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Investigating the Investigation, Not the Actual Scandal, and Confusion Over Who Is Actually Our Tyrant!

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News Avoidance Syndrome – PROPUBLICA

  • So no interest in the rampant spending scandal, is that the takeaway here?

The latest buzzed-about detail that has the press in a lather is the revelation that Elon Musk has employed a team of young tech wizards to dig into the details of USAID and other agencies, as they root out the rampant wasteful spending.

At ProPublica, the intrepid investigators see this evolving scandal and decided to send in a crack team of its own to look into the matter of just who these young'uns are. Using nearly a dozen reporters, ProPublica sought out any intel it could on these young tech workers.

The possibility of maybe investigating the scandal, spending, wasteful projects, or any other connected problems in the government was not a consideration for the journalism outlet.

BlueAnon – MSNBC

  • By now we need a flip chart to grasp who will dominate this nation.

Chris Hayes is at it again, as far as ginning anxiety over our country being run into the ground by an out-of-control leader. The thing is, as sure as he is that this will occur, he seems uncertain as to who will be doing so.

We have been told incessantly that Trump will ruin our democracy as an authoritarian. But this contradicts the claim that Putin is actually running the show. We were also told that the forces behind Project 2025 were actually running the country, not Trump, and then somehow Elon Musk stepped up and took the reins of the country.

Now, we learn from Chris Hayes that there has been ANOTHER shift in power, as Musk has ceded control over to a group of young 20-somethings.

Honestly, by this stage, we need to have the press settle on ONE entity to be the true ruler of the country before we get anxiety-ridden over the calamity sure to ruin us.

Presentation Paradox – WASHINGTON POST

  • So now we are to be mad because…he is doing the opposite of what we were originally supposed to be mad at.

As far as totalitarian dictatorships go, Trump is doing it all wrong, according to the continuously befuddled and lost members of the press. For the latest example, we have Ruth Marcus who has declared the past two weeks to be the worst debut ever by a president, but her assessment is slightly confounding. If we understand her position here, it appears to be this:

He is tyrant-ing completely wrong!

The subheader to her pieces is what has us stuck because as we understand things, Trump was supposed to stay in office forever as he gobbled up power and spread his influence in totality. Instead, Ruth seems angry because the dictator is…shrinking the power and influence of D.C.:

Trump’s second term is all about curtailing the government's power and reach.

Now this either means he completely has this fascist dictator thing all backward or else the press has been entirely wrong with all their blather about him.

Reporting on the Mirror – CNN

  • Seriously, Jake, it is time to stop.

One would think that after seeing your network held liable for defamation in court and placed on the hook for millions of dollars in damages as a result of a news report originating on your program, maybe you would either check yourself on matters of news accuracy or at least steer clear of the topic just on the stance of common decency.

But not Jake Tapper.

It was just days after the court decision that Tapper had the stones to suggest we are about to enter a period of misinformation. Now he emerges with a scalding rebuke of Trump’s lawsuit with CBS News, suggesting this is a direct assault on the sanctity of the press. Jake had not a word about the full video and transcript of the controversial Kamala Harris interview on “60 Minutes,” which laid out the misleading editing that took place to make the candidate look better.

(The video and transcript are here in yesterday’s column.)

Newseum Gallery – CNN

  • Give them points for accuracy, at least.

The desperate need to expose the team of young workers with Elon Musk leads to this glorious work of art.


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