
Secret Intel Community Sex Chat Confirms Pretty Much Everything We Suspected About the Deep State

Chris Rufo and Hannah Grossman have already exposed the secret sex chats where mass depravity was exhibited by staffers at the Central Intelligence Agency, the National Security Agency, and the Defense Intelligence Agency. Aberrant fetishes, gang bangs, lusting for hermaphroditic children, and other degenerate nonsense were discussed on government time. The CIA vowed to take swift action.

Yet, the chats were somewhat funny in the sense that these people would be dumb enough to put this stuff on their government devices. Its participants spewed their hatred toward the Libs of TikTok and Ben Shapiro. They also have an irrational dislike of Italian Americans. It’s a total horror show, but it also reveals what we’ve suspected about the spook community, and the deep state is true: they hate conservatives. We have receipts now.

These freak chats were allegedly signed off as part of some cockamamie DEI initiative.