
Priest Expertly Trolls the Left by Channeling Elon Musk During Speech

Priest Calvin Robinson ruffled more than a few feathers during a recent speech when he made a gesture mimicking X owner Elon Musk’s salute that he gave on inauguration day.

The priest gave a speech at the National Pro-Life Summit earlier this week. He concluded his speech by saying, “My heart goes out to you,” before giving the same gesture as Musk, who was accused of doing the Nazi salute.

Naturally, the gesture elicited outrage from folks on the left who are still pretending that Musk pulled a “Heil Hitler” during his speech on inauguration day. The priest posted the clip on X, explaining that he “received hundreds of nasty calls, texts, voicemails and emails today from very bitter, angry, vile leftists.”

He added: “I am not a Nazi. But I forgive you of your ignorance. My heart goes out to you!”

The Anglican Catholic Church (ACC) on Thursday released a statement noting that it had revoked Robinson’s license and that “he is no longer serving as a priest in the ACC.”

At approximately 3:00 pm today (1/29) members of the College of Bishops of the ACC were made aware of a post made on X showing the end of a speech made by Calvin Robinson at the National Pro-Life Summit in Washington, DC. In it, he closed his comments with a gesture that many have interpreted as a pro-Nazi salute.

While we cannot say what was in Mr. Robinson’s heart when he did this, his action appears to have been an attempt to curry favour with certain elements of the American political right by provoking its opposition. Mr. Robinson had been warned that online trolling and other such actions (whether in service of the left or right) are incompatible with a priestly vocation and was told to desist. Clearly, he has not, and as such, his license in this Church has been revoked. He is no longer serving as a priest in the ACC.

The statement further stated that “this is not just an administrative matter” and that “The Holocaust was an episode of unspeakable horror, enacted by a regime of evil men.”

We condemn Nazi ideology and anti-Semitism in all its forms. And we believe that those who mimic the Nazi salute, even as a joke or an attempt to troll their opponents, trivialize the horror of the Holocaust and diminish the sacrifice of those who fought against its perpetrators. Such actions are harmful, divisive, and contrary to the tenets of Christian charity.

The controversy began with Musk, who came under fire for giving what slightly resembled the “Heil Hitler” salute. Folks on the left pounced on the opportunity to falsely label one of their enemies as a Nazi. Musk responded in true Muskian fashion, using humor to mock the faux outrage coming from the left.

Robinson was clearly trolling, not promoting Nazism. He was poking fun at those on the left who believe fascism is nothing more than a political cudgel to be used against political opposition.

The notion that he deserved to have his license revoked is pure imbecility. It’s not clear whether the ACC actually believes this controversy is a serious matter or if they are simply trying to kowtow to progressives. Either way, their feckless response should also be called out for what it is: Cowardice.