
CNN Had Some Bad News for the 'CA Wildfires Were Caused by Global Warming' Crowd

It’s another ‘suck it’ moment for the liberal media. The Democratic Party and the press want to so desperately be relevant on this issue, being seen as the deliverers of the message that the current Los Angeles County wildfires are linked to climate change. The only problem is that it’s not happening for many reasons, though the most prominent is that most voters think they can’t do anything about it.  

The other is that those impacted by these fires couldn’t care less about climate change. They worried about their loved ones, their homes, and possessions. Google searches for wildfires have hit a historic high at +2400 percent, whereas climate change decreased by almost 10 points. The percentage of voters worried about global warming has barely moved in over 30 years. 

Even with intense weather events, which the liberal media has weaponized to push this scientifically dubious message, most voters do not think humans contribute to the global warming theory. Earth’s temperatures have risen and fallen for centuries, even when we weren’t industrialized. There was the medieval warming period, which undercuts the human industrialization aspect of the climate change dogma.  

Once again, another issue the liberal press was to force upon us and make us care about is rightfully dismissed by a population who sees this industry as corrupt and dishonest.