
One Country May Build a Wall Along Its Border

In July, Townhall reported how Finland passed a temporary bill that will allow border agents to turn away asylum seekers at its border with Russia. 

This move reportedly occurred after Finland accused Russia of “weaponizing” migration by encouraging migrants from Syria, Somalia, and other countries to cross the border. The two countries share 832 miles of border.

This, officials in Finland said, was retaliation for Finland joining NATO. NATO supports Ukraine against Russia. 

This week, reports broke that another country has begun discussions about building a wall along its border with Russia. 

Norway may put a fence along part of all of the 123-mile border it shares with Russia. The countries share a border at the northern section of the country. 

“A border fence is very interesting, not only because it can act as a deterrent but also because it contains sensors and technology that allow you to detect if people are moving close to the border,” Justice Minister Emilie Enger Mehl reportedly said in an interview with the Norwegian public broadcaster NRK published on Saturday.

The justice minister added that the Norwegian government is analyzing “several measures” to increase security at its border with Russia, including adding more border control staff.

Norway may close the border altogether at short notice, also (via Associated Press):

The Storskog border station, which has witnessed only a handful of illegal border crossing attempts in the past few years, is the only official crossing point into Norway from Russia.

Should the security situation in the delicate Arctic area worsen, the Norwegian government is ready to close the border on short notice, said Enger Mehl, who visited neighboring Finland this summer to learn about how the entire 1,340-kilometer (830-mile) Finnish-Russian land border was closed.

Enger Mehl explained that Finland’s move to lock down its border with Russia was a good idea and prompted Norway’s government to start discussing border measures.

“It’s a measure that may become relevant on all or part of the border” between Norway and Russia, Enger Mehl said.

Norway is a NATO country but is not part of the European Union (EU). Many countries that are part of the EU do not have strict border controls between them.