
It Looks Like Bill Maher May Be Right About Biden

During a conversation with Dave Rubin released Tuesday, Bill Maher encouraged Democrats to replace President Biden while there’s “still time.”

Maher said there’s no reason the election needs to “be a disaster.” 

“There is still time,” he said on The Rubin Report. “Absolutely there is still time, not only to make it not a disaster, but to make it a huge positive.” 

Later in the discussion Maher argued it shouldn’t be too hard to find an alternative candidate.  

“Just get everybody who is not 100 years old, got a ‘D’ by their name, and is sort of a centrist and you can win this election. Just give us that choice,” Maher said. 

"I’m predicting right now…there is no chance Biden is the nominee," he went on. "The pressure will just keep increasing. He will not be the person. It might be over by Friday. These further digging of holes is not helping…" 

Maher insisted, however, that Biden is not out of his mind and has not 'lost his marbles,' cautioning that people shouldn't believe the extremes. 

"He's terrible in public, he's terrible when you put him under pressure...but can he sit in a chair and still think clearly and talk? Yes. To think not, is just again being pointlessly...extreme about it," he said.

Americans just want fresh faces in politics, Maher argued. 

“This country’s a sitcom. It’s been on for eight seasons. It’s f***ing tired and we need new characters. They’re tired of looking at Uncle Joe and crazy, fat Trump,” he said.

Update: It looks like Maher may be right