
Critics Use Two Words to Sum Up What's Happening to Joe Biden

Earlier this month, The Wall Street Journal published a piece detailing how President Biden was showing “signs of slipping.” But even that report, based on interviews with more than 45 people, didn’t quite prepare the nation for what they witnessed on the debate stage Thursday evening. The White House pushed back on that report, claiming the 81-year-old president “remains a sharp and vigorous leader,” but there is no way to gaslight what happened on stage, which has led critics to take a closer look at first lady Jill Biden, who absolutely knows what’s happening behind the scenes with her husband.

Let's check in on what she was up to last night. 

When the debate concluded, she rushed on stage to escort Biden away, while former President Trump—just three years younger—confidently walked off on his own. On social media, the general consensus is that what's going on is "elder abuse." 

Then she cheered him on for 'answering every question.'

Fittingly, Biden bid farewell to residents of a different state at the end of the evening. 

And then she came out with this video...