
Palestinians Have Once Again Shown How the 'Two State Solution' Remains a Dangerous Fantasy

Let's pretend, just for a moment, a long record did not exist of the Palestinians rejecting every single 'two state' peace proposal ever offered to them -- even pre-dating the creation of the modern-day state of Israel in the Jewish ancestral homeland.  Let's also pretend as though Hamas leadership has not explicitly and violently ruled out the concept of side-by-side coexistence in the days following their genocidal massacre of Jews last year, which they've also pledged to replicate.  In this fantasy world, we might argue (or wish cast) that the views of the Palestinian people writ large aren't represented by the anti-peace forces and actions referenced above.  A new public opinion survey conducted by a Palestinian firm based in the West Bank, which explains its methodology in soliciting useful responses out of war-torn Gaza, should disabuse us of any notion that a two-state solution is even remotely possible now, or any time soon.  

The consistent and unmistakable fact, demonstrated across multiple polls since October 7th, is that average Palestinians strongly support Hamas' evil massacre, and similarly strongly oppose any outcome that allows a Jewish state to survive or exist.  These are fanatically anti-peace views that are incompatible with any realistic compromise.  When Palestinian 'leadership' from Arafat to Hamas has answered various peace offers with violent jihad and intifada, those despicable actions unequivocally reflect the sweeping sentiments of their people:

Sixty-seven percent of Palestinians support the Hamas slaughter of 1,200 civilians, the raping of women, the decapitation of children, and the kidnapping of hostages.  The large majority of them -- including a strong majority in Gaza, which has been decimated by the war Hamas started -- give a thumbs-up to this evil:

People who favor this inhumane savagery cannot be reasoned with.  This is what they do to their own children:

It's also madness to continue to pressure Israel to not finish a war against an implacable enemy that continues to kill Israelis and target civilians (including launching attacks from areas that are supposed to be 'humanitarian zones:'

As Hamas' chief terrorist has made clear in his own words, Israeli and Palestinian civilians are both vital to his strategy.  Jewish deaths are an over-arching goal, of course, while Palestinian deaths are a "necessary sacrifice."  He is also a fanatical opponent of a two-state solution, obviously, having explained that he'd "never" accept any peace offering that allowed the Jews to survive "because this is the land of Muslims."  It is a dangerous delusion to treat these realities as anything other than what they are -- and to try to pressure Israel to endlessly and fruitlessly pursue some quixotic Western fantasy, at the expense of their own people's safety. But so much of the Biden administration's incoherent "policy" on the Gaza war has been designed to offer nominal and real support for Israel while also pandering to the Hamas supporters and sympathizers in Biden's base.  One particularly maddening manifestation of this approach (which also entails Biden claiming that the "genocide" screamers have a point) has been the dangerous and idiotic "humanitarian pier" misadventure, which has cost taxpayers hundreds of millions of dollars, and has gotten Americans injured:

A predictable debacle and an embarrassment -- and all for a talking point to try to placate American voters who side with Hamas.  If we had an honest media, this would be a big scandal and problem for Biden, but many journos are both Israel-hostile (based at least on their tribe's identity/intersectionality obsession) and not motivated to make things even more challenging for Biden as he wheezes toward the election.  Biden is not going to satisfy monsters who "protest" an exhibit in New York dedicated to victims of the 10/7 massacre, singing Hitler's praises and explicitly praising the terrorists.  These are real things that happened, just recently. I'll leave you with a reminder that while Israel has their security concerns to address and worry about over there, we have similar and very serious problems to deal with here at home, too:

The "Death to America" contingent within America is growing louder and more brazen.  It's increasingly feeling like it's a matter of time: