
Colorado to Illegal Immigrants: 'No More Freeloading'

Both blue and red states are cracking down against President Joe Biden’s reckless immigration policies as more than seven million illegal aliens rush the border ahead of the 2020 election. 

And Colorado is no different. 

Dallas County, Colorado is taking drastic steps to curb illegal immigration from further wreaking havoc on the city. Commissioner George Teal is warning illegal aliens looking to invade the state to return to the country they came from.

“No more freeloading,” Teal said during an interview with Fox and Friends. 

He is deterring bus companies from transporting newly arrived illegal immigrants to the county, as the primarily Democrat state has been overwhelmed by tens of thousands of illegal aliens arriving due to its far-left “sanctuary” policies. 

Through an ordinance, Teal has rejected the arrival of undocumented immigrants from being dropped off by buses that are carrying “commercial passengers” and then leaving them in “unplanned locations” throughout Douglas County. 

Buses that defy the ordinance will face fines as high as $1,000 per passenger. Local law enforcement will also have the capability to seize the buses.

Since Biden took office in 2021, more than 10 million illegal immigrants have entered the county. 

“We thought this ordinance was required to make sure that we can keep our community safe,” Teal said. “We know that it’s just a matter of time before Denver starts diverting buses here into Douglas County. We’re to the south of Denver — right between Denver and Colorado Springs. And that’s why we did this ordinance, so that, when that happens, we’re prepared.” 

Teal noted that Colorado has an ant-Trump, pro-illegal immigration history. However, he said that Douglas County is just the opposite, with many residents identifying as Republican. 

“Denver got on the bandwagon of the anti-Trump fad of declaring a sanctuary city early, among Democrat cities across the nation,” Teal said. “We’re not a Democrat county. We’re a community that is mostly Republican. We were never going to be a sanctuary county.”

Colorado city officials have encouraged illegal immigrants not to come to the state, telling them to go to New York or Chicago instead.

Democrat Mayor Mike Johnston announced in February that the city would be closing four of its immigration shelters, with the goal of bringing back $60,000,000 to the city.