
Rand Paul's Festivus Report Continues With Hunter Biden's 'Hookers and Blow'

A Festivus for the rest of us! Sen. Rand Paul (R-KY.) is airing his grievances for 2023. 

Celebrating Festivus— an ode to a classic episode of Seinfeld— Paul released his annual report that included Barbie doll pictures, Anthony Fauci, and being gaslit by the Biden Administration.

“When your job is in Congress, you have a lot of people you can have grievances with. It’s almost too many to think about, so most of the year, I just don’t,” Paul wrote on X. 

On Saturday’s edition of Festivus, the Republicans focused on mass spending by the federal government that has Americans living paycheck to paycheck, while billions were sent to Ukraine and other foreign countries. 

Examples of who was profiting off these massive payouts include $477 121 for Fauci’s transgender monkey study and $38,000,000 for the government to pay dead people. 

Paul also took a jab at the Biden family, posting a photo of a children’s book titled “Hookers and Blows.” President Joe Biden’s son, Hunter Biden, is known for spending his daddy’s money on prostitutes while snorting cocaine in the West Wing of the White House. 

The senator used a graphic to show how much prices, such as grocery and baby items, have skyrocketed since Biden took office. He offered a grim look into the future of the U.S. if Democrats continue to reign in D.C., saying there will be no change in course.