
Biden Claims 'Enormous' Economic Growth Hours After Negative GDP Number Released

In remarks announcing even more aid for Ukraine amid Russia's invasion, President Joe Biden also made a reality-denying statement about the U.S. economy just hours after the latest GDP data was released for the first quarter of 2022.

"I think we're, what you're seeing, is enormous growth in the country," Biden said, implying that the "growth" he referenced happened in spite of being "affected by everything from COVID, to COVID blockages along the way."

Biden's claim came some three hours after the U.S. Commerce Department revealed that America's GDP had contracted 1.4 percent after economists predicted what they considered slow growth of one percent.

Watch the contrast between America's bad economic reality and Biden's version:

So, was Biden unaware of the GDP number that shocked economists and triggered increased warnings about a recession and stagflation? Does he not understand how GDP data works? Is he still assuming Americans will just uncritically listen to what he says and pretend everything's fine while whistling past an economy in ruins? Apparently some variation of that must apply. 

Then again, the same remarks featured a verbally stumbling Biden unable to say "kleptocracy," so there wasn't much expectation that his comments would be forceful or true to reality.