
After Youngkin Win, Kamala Harris Probably Regrets What She Said Last Week

Vice President Kamala Harris may be regretting her message to Virginia voters last week now that the commonwealth will be governed by a Republican. 

During a campaign event last week with Democrat gubernatorial candidate Terry McAuliffe in Norfolk, Virginia, Harris told voters that what happens in the commonwealth will be a preview of “how the country will move” as we get closer to the midterm elections. 

“Tuesday will determine whether we turn back the clock on move forward,” she said. “What happens in Virginia will in large part determine what happens in 2022, 2024, and on."

As Katie reported, Republicans swept Virginia on Tuesday. 

"I will tell you somebody high up in McAuliffe’s camp...put it this way to me about an hour ago: 'It's a bloodbath,'" said Larry Sabato on MSNBC. 

Conservatives on Twitter chimed in that for once, she's right.