
Rand Paul is Noting a Key Discrepancy in the Justice System

Last summer after leaving the RNC convention at the White House, Republican Senator Rand Paul and his wife were violently assaulted by a mob of Black Lives Matter rioters. Paul was attempting to walk back to his hotel room at the time and said without a police escort, he believed he would have been killed. 

"They were attempting to push the police over to get to've seen the pictures of what they do to you. If the police are not there, if you defund the police, if we become Portland, if America becomes Portland, what's going to happen is people are going to be pummeled and kicked in the head and left senseless on the curb. That would have happened to us I promise you, had we not had the D.C. police to support us...Thank God for the police. Had we not gotten to the police I truly believe that the police saved our lives and we would not be here today or we would be in a hospital today if the police had not been there," Paul told Fox and Friends after the incident. 

Charges against the attackers were not pursued.

Nearly one year later Paul is pointing out the discrepancy between how that mob was treated compared to individuals at the U.S. Capitol on January 6. 

Paul has survived a number of violent attacks from the left. He was on the baseball field when a Bernie Sanders supporter opened fire on Republicans practicing for the Congressional Baseball Game in 2017. He was also attacked by a leftist neighbor, which left him with several broken ribs and severely injured.