
Why Conservatives Are Urging Tulsi to Become a Republican

Ever since Netflix dropped its latest movie, "Cuties," conservatives have repeatedly said the film glamorizes pedophilia and is nothing more than child pornography. Even the National Center on Sexual Exploitation condemned the movie.

"While we commend Director Maïmouna Doucouré for exposing the very real threats to young girls having unfettered access to social media and the internet, we cannot condone the hypersexualization and exploitation of the young actresses themselves in order to make her point," the nonprofit said in a statement Friday. "The audience does not need to see the very long scenes with close-up shots of the girls’ bodies; this does nothing to educate the audience on the harms of sexualization."

Democrats have mostly been silent about the film... until now. Rep. Tulsi Gabbard (D-HI) broke from her fellow Democrats on Friday when she tweeted, condemning Netflix for fueling "the appetite of pedophiles."

Conservatives applauded the congresswoman for being outspoken about the situation:


Of course, some Democrat-aligned supporters defended the film, saying it's "social commentary."

I decided to turn "Cuties" on a little bit ago, to see what the movie was about. After 15 to 20 minutes, I had to turn it off. It was uncomfortable watching little girls who are supposed to be 11 years old twerking and humping the ground. They were focused on wearing mini skirts, crop tops and even sneaking in to get a picture of a young boy's "junk."

This movie is definitely not "art" or "commentary." This movie is glamorizing child pornography. It's sexualizing young girls. It perpetuates the idea that women have to be sexualized in order to be valued. Consider Democrats are supposedly the "party of women," you would think they would be quick to speak out against this monstrosity. Of course, they're silent.