
RNC Responds to 'Unhinged' Ayanna Pressley Rant

On Tuesday Rep. Ayanna Pressley (D-MA) accused the Trump administration of "criminal negligence," "science denials," and "a sluggish response" to the coronavirus outbreak that has left the U.S. in the position of playing "catch up." She likened the White House's actions to "war crimes."

"We have to reject any calls for a return to normal," she added.

What exactly did she mean by that? The "normal" that Pressley feared is one that "did not provide adequate health care" and one that abandoned our most vulnerable communities in times of crisis," she claimed.

The RNC's Liz Harrington came to a different conclusion.

Pressley also questioned Trump's new decision to ban all immigration, calling him a "small, cruel man."

But she was busy stymying the efforts on Capitol Hill too. Pressley was among the Democrats who rejected the Mitch McConnell-led deal that will funnel another $250 billion to small businesses under the Payment Protection Plan. For 12 days Democrats stalled on the deal. Pressley defiantly noted that Democrats should be even more "unapologetic" about their wishes. 

So the congresswoman from Massachusetts has a lot of criticisms. But does she have any solutions? 

"We need a response that will set a foundation for a just long-term economic recovery for all and that includes student debt cancelation for the 45 million crushed by the $1.6 trillion student debt crisis," she claimed during a virtual press conference.

As more than one astute Twitter user observed, politicians have been pretty keen on finding ways to use this crisis for their own political benefits.

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