
Parkland Survivor Calls Out Madonna On Latest Anti-Gun Music Video

Nineteen year old Parkland shooting survivor Emma González criticized Madonna for her latest music video entitled “God Control.” 

The gun control advocate tweeted on Saturday that the pop singer’s video was “horrible” and “not the correct way to talk about gun violence.” 

Madonna said she created the video in the hopes of bringing awareness to gun violence, calling it the "biggest problem in America right now." 

The video depicts club-goers being targeted by a gunman in a mass shooting. 

A message at the beginning of the video states: “The story you are about to see is very disturbing. It shows graphic scenes of gun violence. But it’s happening everyday.”

González said that Madonna should have issued a trigger-warning for her video, especially as it was released around the anniversary of the Pulse nightclub shooting, in which a gunman killed 43 people.

In an interview with People magazine, Madonna said that she hopes her music video will make people realize "that no one is safe. Not even themselves."

González seemed to disagree with Madonna's method, instead tweeting how fans could actually help with efforts to combat gun violence. 

This latest controversy is sure to break any kind of relationship between the pop singer and González. In Madonna's latest album, "Madame X," González's voice is featured in a song called "I Rise," which includes excerpts from a speech she gave. 

After surviving a shooting at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School which killed 17 people, González has become a national icon and vocal advocate for gun control.