
Ten Years Ago Today Al Gore Said The World Would End Because of Climate Change

Watch out world, and we are sorry if you had not realised before reading this, the world is ending today. That’s because today is the day that climate change entrepreneur, and former US Vice President, Al Gore warned us would be the beginning of a global emergency.

Mr Gore told his supporters a decade ago that the world had until 27th January 2016 to end its addiction to fossil fuels or the it would come to an end. Gore did not specify what householders might expect to happen today, but he was clear that this would be the end.

The claim was part of the marketing campaign for his hit documentary “An Inconvenient Truth", which he maintains was not a cheap attempt to make money off the green frenzy. Although, by sheer coincidence, it did make him a pile of cash.

Shortly before the film’s release Gore warned today would see "a true planetary emergency." Once again, he offered few details of the problems you might face on your weekly visit to Walmart.

He went on to tell the press: "If you accept the truth of that, then nothing else really matters that much… We have to organize quickly to come up with a coherent and really strong response, and that's what I'm devoting myself to."

Townhall would always warn readers in advance of any impending emergency but on this occasion we feel confident you need not stock up on canned beans. Gore has been making the same claim every week for the past ten years… Which has led us to believe his grim predictions might well be unfounded.

We think you should have a drive in your SUV today to celebrate how great life in America really is. Then crack open a cold beer to offend the health lobby too!