
In Other News: Biden’s Disk Jockey Moonlights as National Security Adviser

Here are some other highlights and headlines that I noticed over at Ransom Notes Radio:

Communist China just overtook the US as the world’s largest economy. Now, given that they’re commies, shouldn’t they be sharing some of that GDP with less fortunate nations?

(Business Insider)

New York City has a record number of homeless people. And a record number of billionaires. Isn’t it curious that such income inequality exists in one of America’s most liberal cities? Good thing they elected that rich guy, Comrade de Blasio… I’m sure he’ll chase the billionaires out of there.

(Huffington Post)

Biden’s National Security Advisor moonlights as a disk jockey under the name “Ph. DJ”... (I really can’t make this stuff up.) Now if we can just give him a personal laugh track, we’ll have the beginning of a comedy troupe.

(Free Beacon)

Students were given extra credit for attending a Joe Biden event. As an added bonus, many of the adult attendees openly laughed at the prospect of a Biden Presidency. In short, most people showed up for an easy "A", or for the free (albeit unintentional) comedy.

(EAG News)

Protesters are taking to the streets again near St. Louis after another black teenager was shot by police… The fact that the 18 year old gang member fired multiple rounds at an off-duty police officer doesn't seem to matter to those level-headed looters and rioters.

(Daily Mail)

Elon Musk recently expressed fear over the possibility of artificial intelligence getting out of hand and leading to a cybernetic revolt against mankind… I am now taking bets on how the world will end: Zombie apocalypse or rise of the machines? (Survivor gets the pot.)

(Vanity Fair)