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Flashback: Here Are Some Cringeworthy Russian Collusion Takes From Anti-Trump Republicans

AP Photo/Evan Vucci

It’s over. This long, tortured nightmare of a story has finally ended, though we’ve known it was a rotting pile of fake news from the start. There was no Russian collusion. Trump is not an agent of the Kremlin. And Hillary Clinton will never be president of the United States; she lost the 2016 election. The FBI, a once prestigious and objective investigative agency, is now marred by scandal, forever stained by their election interference. And should be regarded as a soft Stasi that serves at the behest of the Democratic Party. 


The Durham report eviscerated the FBI, notably that there wasn’t any evidence to launch an investigation into Trump on these cockamamie collusion charges. Political bias and animus drove the bureau to execute this phony probe into Donald Trump, the former president vindicated for rightly saying he’s the victim of a witch hunt. 

There’s a lot to unpack and many people to torch in the coming days, but let’s look at some of the Trump-Russian collusion takes that were especially heinous over the years. 

To start, we have Jonah Goldberg, the political commentator broken by the Trump surge in 2016. In 2017, he said that when it comes to integrity, then-FBI Director James Comey, who oversaw this fiasco, “wins ten times out of ten.” The report puts Comey’s credibility and professionalism through the shredder, saying that he abandoned department policy and “fealty” to the law as well.


Sen. Dianne Feinstein (D-CA) said that the DOJ IG’s report on the Clinton email probe showed no bias in the FBI’s investigation; facts drove them. Well, that’s not exactly what the IG report said:

Hillary Clinton–she never lies:

And finally, there’s David French, who is just too easy and not worth any more time but suffice to say you could probably roast him better in the comment section below. And yes, his Twitter account was very quiet when Durham released his findings.

Nothing says integrity that burying exculpatory evidence to salvage illegal spy warrants on American citizens, am I right?



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