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This Could Be the Most Insane 'Trans' Overreach Story Yet

AP Photo/Armando Franca

New allegations from parents of middle school girls in Illinois may represent the most gobsmacking example of “trans” agenda overreach I've ever seen — and that competition has been stiff and ongoing for years. Watch as a mother lays out for the local school board what she says happened to her daughter and other girls at the Deerfield public school district in Illinois:


A reported summary from National Review:

Illinois public school administrators tried to force a 13-year-old girl to change clothes in front of a biological male, in accordance with the district’s “inclusive” bathroom policy that allows transgender students to use whichever locker room corresponds with their chosen gender, the mother of the girl said at a Deerfield School District 109 School Board meeting...[the] principal reiterated that under direction from the district’s legal counsel, the male student could use whichever bathroom corresponded to his chosen gender. Then, Georgas said, “the situation went from bad to worse.” “A few days later, the male student was present in the girls locker room. Feeling violated, the girls made the choice to not change into their PE clothes with the biological male student present,” Georgas said at the meeting. Administrators then supervised the locker room to ensure that all girls were changing into their physical education clothes without protest, Georgas claimed. District 109 Assistant Superintendent for Student Services Joanna Ford, Assistant Principal Cathy Van Treese, and Director for Student Services Ginger Logemann tried to force the girls to change in front of the male student, Georgas said...


These are the school officials who were allegedly involved in this episode:

The story quoted above goes on to note that a pack of transgender activists attended the meeting, jeering this mother as she offered her testimony. There is one detail in this excerpt that caught my attention:

Georgas’s school board testimony was booed on Thursday evening by a large audience of transgender activists who spoke in support of the district’s bathroom policy. Charlie Friedman, a transgender person and parent of a transgender middle schooler, lauded the Illinois gender-inclusive bathroom policy that “protects trans, non-binary, and gender non-conforming students from the type of bullying that this parent represents,” Charlie said, pointing to Georgas. Illinois Governor JB Pritzker has loudly supported gender inclusive bathroom laws in the state. “The discomfort or privacy concerns of other students, teachers, or parents are not valid reasons to deny or limit the full and equal use of those facilities based on a student’s gender related identity,” Charlie added. “Instead any student, teacher or other individuals seeking more privacy should be accommodated by providing that individual with a more private option.” Charlie, the director of operations for Trans Up Front, a non-profit advocacy organization, promised to “dig in to contact our coalition” to pressure the school board to enforce the bathroom policy.


A trans rights activist, who is trans (announced pronouns “they/he”), also happens to have a trans child? Imagine that. And this person seems to think that the solution here is for the school to offer all of the girls who don't wish to change clothes in front of a biological male "a more private option." The girls' locker room is that private option. If someone is to be specially accommodated, it's the biological male who identifies as female. The whole system should not be uprooted to accommodate that individual, while violating the privacy of the girls. Last week, I wrote a lengthy social media post describing my own views on “trans”-related issues and policies:

On the “trans stuff,” for lack of a more elegant term, here’s where I am:

(1) I don’t really understand, and cannot easily relate to, the phenomenon. I don’t really get how people feel they were born in the “wrong body,” or identify as something other than their biological sex. This may strike some people as strange or ironic because I’m gay & therefore part of the LGBTQ++ alphabet soup “community.” But same-sex attraction & identifying as some other gender are *very different* things. 

(2) That said, I do have empathy for people whose sexuality or identity is widely considered rare / unusual / abnormal / unnatural / alternative etc. Obviously. 

(3) Trans people exist and I generally think we should be kind to them (like everybody else) — and within reason, use the names and identifiers they prefer. I say “within reason” because so much of the activist agenda on the ‘trans stuff’ has been insane and unreasonable (seemingly intentionally so sometimes)…and frankly off-putting.  In general, if someone I know wants to be called by a certain name, I’ll do my best to respect that. I don’t think we need to aggressively refer to people by names or pronouns or whatever that they don’t wish to be called. 

(4) It’s subjective & therefore thorny, but I try to distinguish between performative trans activist aggressors, who seem to use victimhood as a sword against others, and trans people who want to just live their lives. 

(5) I don’t think we need to uproot the English language to accommodate the (capricious) whims of a minuscule number of activists. We need not banish “mother,” “breastfeeding” etc. or any normal words that apply to 99%+ of the population. We can do our best to be nice and relatively accommodating to our tiny trans population without contorting ourselves into pretzels and canceling/distorting the basic, established meaning of words.  Activists’ insistence on total conformity to a radical, bleeding edge, ever-changing lexicon is exhausting and annoying and alienating. 

(6) Leave kids out of it. Especially when it comes to gender-‘changing’-related medical interventions. Much of the rest of Western society has moved dramatically away from these practices on minors for good reason. If people want to make these decisions for themselves as adults, fine. It’s a free country. But we treat children differently than adults in our laws, customs and culture for a reason. 

(7) Maintain the integrity, fairness and safety of women’s sports. People born as males should not compete against biological female in athletics. Females should also not be subjected to male genitalia in private and sensitive spaces like lockerrooms. 

(8) Radical activists and their allies have done damage to LGBTQ++ alphabet soup acceptance in society. According to some polling, support for gay marriage has dropped recently, and I at least partially attribute that to a cluster of activists and their enablers who’ve worked hard to vindicate “slippery slope” concerns.  A lot of people probably now see gay marriage as step one toward transitioning kids in schools without parental knowledge & such madness. It did happen fast, with outer limits being pushed further & further.  The constantly ratcheted up excesses have been jarring for many Americans and harmful to mainstream gay (and even trans) rights imo. 

(9) I know many gays resent this, just as we resent being told we must embrace whatever the latest activist craziness is, in order to be considered “good” members of the “community.” In a few cases I know of personally, these frustrations are shared by some trans people, too...


"That was a lot, I realize, and even all those words don’t fully capture how I feel about all of it," I continued. "Because there’s so much a polarized online discourse (I’ll use the term generously), I wanted to lay down a few markers about how I — and I’d guess many others — feel. In short, I wish we’d give eachother a bit more grace and space on these matters, without having that grace and space then abused and taken advantage of in cynical, well-poisoning ways...Decided to shuffle across the minefield."  I'll leave you with my conversation with Will Cain on the subject here:

Editor’s Note: America’s kids must be protected from the left’s radical transgender ideology and the irreversible damage it causes.

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