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Confessions of a One-Time Never Trumper

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AP Photo/Ben Curtis

Eight years ago, I was resigned to there being a Trump presidency. I didn't support his Democratic opponent at all, but I just couldn't bring myself to vote for Trump. He was loud, obnoxious, and everything I didn't want in a president, so while I'd originally intended to vote Republican, I went Libertarian instead.


I would have classified myself as Never Trump.

Four years later, I voted for him.

I still wasn't thrilled about it, but he wasn't as bad as I thought he'd be. He also might have been better if is every action didn't prompt Democrats to judge shop and sue him in some circuit court where the last conservative judge died in 1973 or something. It was still a grudging vote, but he had to be better than Joe Biden. I wasn't just voting against Biden, but it was close

Last year, I really wished he'd have decided to retire, but I still voted for him. I didn't feel bad about my vote.

Right now, though? I might be one of the biggest Trump fans you're going to find.

What changed?

Scorched Earth.

His first term was filled with him flailing around a bit, trying to do good work, but being stymied by the Democratic establishment, the Deep State, and more than a few Republicans who were just too wishy-washy for anyone's good.

This time, though, it's clear that he's learned.

Exactly what form the lessons took isn't exactly clear, but from day one, he stepped in and started going to work. Change is coming fast and furious. The vindictive leadership at the FBI was gone. USAID? Gone. The Department of Education? Terrified for its very existence.

The list goes on.

While Democrats are still trying to file lawsuits, Trump isn't giving them room to breathe. He's burning everything in his path to such a degree that Gen. William Tecumseh Sherman is concerned, and I'm here for it.

In my life, we've seen four Republican presidents. Reagan, Bush I, Bush II, and Trump.


None of them have started moving to dismantle the bureaucracy like Trump has. Billions in taxpayer dollars have already been slashed from the budget and he hasn't even been in the job for a month.

Illegal immigrants are running scared and the Democrats are freaking out because they're trying to defend literally everything, even as ordinary American citizens are completely untouched by everything that's happened.

It's too early for approval numbers to have any meaning, but I know the truth of the matter is that millions of Americans like myself have been waiting for something just like this. He's burning everything to the ground that needs to be burned, that he can burn without Congress, and is making the Democrats fight battles they can't win.

They're blustering about how awful Trump's killing of USAID is, but foreign aid has always been a sore subject with most folks, especially as we watch the national debt skyrocket. Yet they're doing it, potentially dooming them for 2026.

I didn't like Trump, and he still is a bit too bombastic in his speaking style for me, but this Never Trumper is nothing of the sort.

He won me over, and not by doing anything except what he said.

Promises made. Promises kept.

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