It takes strength to be President of the United States, to stand up and defend America against wrong and evil. Joe Biden was not such a man, and the United States suffered for four years under this weak, pusillanimous Leftist coward. Donald Trump won’t be able to get all he wants done, of course. The Deep State will fight him all the way but they are currently doing a good job of putting nails into their own coffin.
The Democrats can never win on the basis of sound, reasoned arguments, so they have to find other ways to try to build the decadent, totalitarian state they want. Since they are murdering countless possible future Democratic Party voters by abortion, they must import voters. So, they will fight to keep the illegals in the country.
President Trump, thankfully, has the backbone and love for America to do some necessary things. Joe Biden, and no Democrat, does. We can hope now for four good years.
The government must have money to operate and provide the services that need providing. Thus, Americans pay taxes for the services they receive (that’s ALL they should pay taxes for. Why should I pay for somebody else to murder their baby or to study transgender mice?) So, I suppose, the IRS, or some such collection agency, is necessary. I suppose. I can’t find the IRS in the Constitution.
Remember that Joe Biden wanted to ADD 87,000 new IRS agents to tyrannize Americans. That’s because the Democrats want as much of your money as they can get their hands on. More money means more power, and power is the ONLY thing the Democrats and Deep State care about. It’s the entire raison d’etre of the Left, and they will torture, imprison, or murder anybody who opposes them, as they have proven conclusively in the governments they’ve run in the last 100 years. Mr. Trump’s immediate freeze on hiring IRS agents was a good START. Now, Mr. Trump needs to severely slice the government’s budget, let the American people keep and invest more of their money, and thus reduce the number of IRS agents required. That’s the direction he needs to head in. He has been going there, and I hope he will continue. He’s had a great beginning.
He's got a massive battle on his hands, of course because the Democrats and the Deep State—which includes countless Republicans as well—will oppose him ceaselessly. One thing Trump does have on his side is the incredible debauchery, callousness, hatred, and downright stupidity of the current Democratic Party members. Their response to the 13-year-old cancer survivor Mr. Trump brought forth at the SOTU address was unbelievable. Well, it WOULD have been unbelievable for any decent human being. But the Democrats aren’t decent. Every single day, the Democratic Party leadership and many of their “grassroots” members give overwhelmingly conclusive evidence of just how depraved, evil, and inhuman they are. How people could sink to such lows of hatred and degeneration is going to take psychologists a long time to figure out.
I found this jewel recently on “X’ as further evidence of the kind of people the Left is producing now. The post had two pictures: one on the left showing a middle-aged man with a greying beard and bright ORANGE hair on top of his head. The right-hand picture displayed his message, and I quote it exactly, only covering the filthy language he used: “He’ll [Trump] be dead soon. No worries. lil bro we get it, you s*ck Putin’s d*ck too. Have you ever done anything to contribute to society? No? We figured. B**ch I’ve don’t more in a 13 years span of my life, than you will ever do. You’re moms even told me what a b**ch you are. Dear cholesterol: DO YOUR JOB!! (emphasis his).”
That is, folks, exact. Every word has been faithfully reproduced from his message. Now, I realize that not every liberal is this uneducated and stupid, and unfortunately, there are quite a few “conservatives” whose IQs don’t exceed their shoe size, either. I occasionally make a mistake in an “X” post, though I do have some excuse: total blindness in one eye and macular degeneration in the other. Small print is a beast to me. But I’ve never written anything so crude, crass, unintelligent, and hateful. I didn’t like Joe Biden, but I never wished death on him. I wanted him to repent.
But the Left is slowly losing any grip they had on reality and decency—which never was much to begin with. When they were in power, they were still mean, evil, cruel, and nasty, but at least they could occasionally disguise phony civility because they were winning. They are losing politically, and their true colors are showing through. I have seen several posts on “X” advocating violence and death for Mr. Trump and his supporters. The random nutcase is to be expected, but the Left has a whole army of them now. And, frankly, it’s a little frightening. People full of hate and who have no conscience are liable to do anything.
We must double down in our attempts to educate Americans about what is true, right, honorable, and decent. Sometimes, we have to get out a 2x4, but we don’t want to sink to the depths of the depravity the Left is in. We MUST show ourselves a better people than Leftists, and we MUST tell the American people, constantly, what we are doing and why we are doing it. We have truth reason and human civility, which are powerful weapons.
Keep hammering on the evil of the Left and the positive virtues of American Judeo-Christian republicanism. It's a war, nothing short of it, and it’s no time for R&R.
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