Civil War? Part 3: More Possible Solutions

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So, we have a horribly divided nation now, fighting over control of the federal government and the booty that that government can force from its citizens through taxation and dispense to the favorites of those in power. The best solution, as I noted in my last article, would be to return to the original principle of the Constitution: a neutral federal government with powers that benefitted all citizens equally. But that isn’t going to happen, so we need to find other answers. Let me suggest further possibilities.

2. Solution 2—Recapture the education system. For the past 100 years or so, since the godless John Dewey reformed America’s education system into a decadent, Leftist propaganda machine, the Left has controlled American education. God-fearing, patriotic Americans slept, and now we’ve woken up to the horrors the Left has been and is perpetuating on the nation. We can try to recapture the education system, but that will take a while. We’d have to take over school boards at the local level. We’d need to seize the schools of education and train teachers in traditional American values. We’d have to fight the Left every step of the way because they are fascists who know the value of propaganda and lying. But we must fight this fight. It took a few decades to get into the slime we are now in, and it will take a few decades to get out of it. This is not an immediate solution but it’s one that must be implemented for the ultimate salvation of the country.

3. Solution 3: Keep things going the way they have been the past several decades. This isn’t actually a solution, of course, but it might avoid a horrid civil war until the Left finally destroys the country through decadence and bankruptcy. How much can Mr. Trump change the nation back to true greatness? I’m hopeful, but frankly, not optimistic. The opposition is gargantuan, motivated, and has absolutely no scruples or conscience. How much longer America can play this political football game of kicking power back and forth between the parties is something I can’t predict. But it can’t be for much longer. Trump can slow it down, but can he really stop the ship and turn it completely around? Pardon me if I’m pessimistic about that.

I suspect this is the path America will follow. The two sides jostle power, back and forth, and eventually the country will be decimated. It might avoid a civil war, but it won’t cure America’s ills. As historian Alexander Tytler wrote, democracies always die over loose fiscal policy caused by politicians who buy votes with the people’s own money. “Democracy is the most vile form of government” (James Madison). “Remember, democracy never lasts long. It soon wastes, exhausts, and murders itself. There was never a democracy yet that did not commit suicide” (John Adams). America has been on a see-saw sliding downhill for decades now.  An uphill see-saw seems…overwhelming.    

4. Solution 4—Go our separate ways. Nobody wants to see a “national divorce,” but I don’t especially want to live in a country run by Pelosi, Harris, AOC, and the freak Leftist radicals. It might come to a point where we must let them have their own toilet bowl country, and the rest of us try to restore a virtuous, Constitutional Republic on the principles our Founders believed in.  

This Democratic Party believes in an America that exalts DEI over hard work and merit. It believes in moral nihilism and licentiousness, and government dominance. I don’t believe in that kind of America. I don’t want to live in an America run by Joe Biden, Kamala Harris, or Nancy Pelosi. I don’t believe what they believe and I don’t want to pay for what they want to do. It is repulsive to me.

But then, I think it’s fair to apply the same standard to them. They don’t want to live in an America that elects Donald Trump as president. They don’t want an America that believes in Judeo-Christian morality and virtuous republicanism. They crave a licentious, morally decadent America where totalitarian government ALLOWS people the “freedoms” government will allow them to have. I lived that for 10 years in China, and I don’t want to live it in America. But that’s the kind of America Leftists want. They don’t believe what I believe, and I don’t believe what they believe. We are two completely different peoples now.

I hate to say it, but ultimately, national divorce might be the only solution. The Left doesn’t want our America, and we don’t want theirs. I don’t want to be forced to support the decadence they believe in, and they don’t want to be forced to support the righteousness I believe in. Maybe, ultimately, the best solution is to let them establish a country where they can create, pay for, and live in the putrid slime pit they crave, and we can have a country where we establish and pay for virtuous republicanism. With a very high border wall to keep them out. A country where they ram their godless, perverted Marxism down my throat and make me pay for it is unacceptable to me. And contrary, I don’t think they ought to be forced, by “democracy,” to live in a country where they must accept my moral views and have to pay for things they don’t believe in. I agree 100% with Thomas Jefferson: “To compel a man to furnish funds for the propagation of ideas he disbelieves and abhors is sinful and tyrannical.”

When people are so totally opposite in their view of the world and life-styles, they can only ultimately subsist together by force. Is that what we want for America? Winning is nice; but freedom for all is better. Maybe we should just let the Leftist trash have the garbage dump they yearn for.

Whatever the solution, it won’t be easy.

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