Is the old guard of the liberal media collapsing? It seems that way. The Washington Post’s Ruth Marcus is the latest casualty, opting to resign after her column was nixed. It wasn’t a shocking decision—her piece reportedly took potshots at publisher Jeff Bezos. That usually paves the way for your exit or termination. Marcus isn’t the first to leave—David Shipley, the editorial page editor, also resigned when informed of Bezos’ tweak.
The paper recently announced a new directive on its editorial direction: it will promote free markets and liberty. It is a normal pitch that most readers would appreciate, though the left sees it as a fascistic exercise. These people never cease to amaze us when landing on the exact wrong side of the issues, which is what happens when your side doesn’t know history.
I’m not upset about this chain of events. The Washington Post is ridding itself of those who wanted to peddle anti-Trump trash. It’s over. That content no longer works. And the fact that Donald Trump was elected president again in 2024 is the most explicit piece of evidence showing that the legacy media’s attacks and their whining, unhinged rants about the man have been dismissed by the public, and for good reason: none of the crazy stuff they predicted came true.
Trump was going to be Hitler reloaded, the man who tried to overturn the election in 2021, the man who will bring authoritarianism to our shores—none of that happened. The fact that Trump won all swing states, the popular vote, and the Electoral College, along with 89 percent of the counties shifting to the right, shows outright rejection of the Democrats and their message.
If you need confirmation that the left is only stomping their feet when they don’t get what they want, look no further than how their allies in the media have behaved. Some were fired, while others quit. Leaving the battlefield like sour pusses is the general feeling from the defeated ranks of the woke and mentally invalid, which comprises today’s left wing. And the talent behind those who have left because they can’t handle that Trump is back and the Democrats are lost is even more laughably inept. Democrats will find a message. That’s not a debate, but it’s when they will figure it out. At this point, the timeline for that is never.