The West has made a fundamental and destructive error. Can it still save itself?
Over the past few days, Sunni Muslims, under the nominal command of Syria’s new leader, went on killing sprees against Alawite and Christian citizens. The last number I saw had over 700 killed. Videos show Syrian army personnel riding on some of their victims, who are forced to bark like dogs before being shot dead. People had warned that an ISIS/Al-Qaeda government led by Abu Mohammed al-Julani would go against other ethnic groups sooner or later. Israel last week emphatically expressed its support for the Druze communities in southern Syria. Julani is smart, if nothing else. He dropped his fatigues, moved to nice suits and ties, and in no time was meeting with world leaders, including the head of the UN. Will any of them hold him accountable for the actions of his soldiers? I would not bet on it.
After the bloodletting on the Syrian coast, Muslims in Europe rejoiced. There are images from Vienna of thousands of Sunni Muslims with the new/old Syrian flag. They are thrilled at the death of the Alawites, the same tribe from which came the Assad family. Western governments ostensibly should have demanded fair trials for any Alawite who was involved in the Assad torture/killing machine. Julani’s men cut straight to the chase and killed men, women, and children in an orgy of blood-letting. They dragged some of their victims behind their vehicles.
If you build a big building on a faulty foundation, there is a real chance that the whole edifice could collapse. The Western globalist project has made its most fundamental assumption that all people are more or less the same. And if you go by genetics and physiology, most people have the same genes and look anatomically the same without the clothes. This thinking drives men into women’s sports: men can be women, too! It is the force behind massive population shifts, whether from Central and South America into the US or from the Middle East into Europe. We’re all just one big, happy family—aren’t we? Ultimately, that is a big lie, and the question is whether Tom Homan and Pam Bondi can eject people fast enough to keep the American experiment going. Europe, through a lack of will and demented policies, is probably lost.
If one has kept abreast of things, he may have noticed that England is having a really difficult time ejecting illegal alien criminals from its shores. In one case, an Albanian convicted of receiving citizenship through deception got a reprieve from the courts. The reason? His son did not like the chicken nuggets in his destination country; thus, his father could not be forced to leave the UK as the punishment would be “unduly harsh” on the boy. No, I am not quoting a Babylon Bee story or making this up because my article is too short. Here is a link to the story. The Europeans, under the leadership of Frau Merkel, Monsieur Macron, a half-dozen British prime ministers, and others, brought millions of unvetted Muslims to Europe. They felt that they were getting a twofer: they were doing kindness to people persecuted in their home countries, and they were adding to their worker base, as their populations have mostly given up on having babies. The problem was that not all people were the same. I am not and will not say one is better than the other. God made ‘em all. But not all people think or act the same way. Imagine two college students thrown together by the admissions office. One needs to get to bed early to function, while the other does not start his day before 11 pm. Maybe they can work things out, or perhaps they will drive each other nuts.
The joy expressed by Muslims in Europe over the slaughter of civilians in Syria should be a flashing red light that the failed integration of millions of Muslims into a European ethos has severe ramifications. We don’t go a week without Muslims expressing their goal of turning Europe and the US into Muslim-run Sharia states. The crowd that was initially pro-Hama/anti-Israel has made it clear that it hates the US and its values. People are not just their genes and anatomies. Those are actually the scaffolding for our real persons. We are determined primarily by what’s between our ears. People growing up in Islamic cultures have values and views that are wildly different from those of people who grow up in Jewish, Christian, and non-religious environments. Even if one believed that everyone killed in Syria over the past few days was a real culprit in the deposed Assad regime, he would hope for a proper and fair trial. Not so for those in Syria or their fanboys in Europe. Different cultures sometimes cannot mix successfully. Students working with foreign actors and funders in the US are demanding the destruction of the only democratic state in the Middle East. Their actions, at times, are also directed against Jewish Americans who cannot get to class or are harassed in Jewish eateries. Their disdain for the US stands in contrast to all the physical and material benefits they have enjoyed living in the United States.
People often jump up and scream, “Racism!” when one points out that not all cultures can live peacefully side-by-side. I have seen cases in England where Muslim immigrants complained about locals with booze or walking their dogs or women not being dressed as per their demands. Excuse me, don’t we have things backward? I was once asked to speak at a rally for terror victims; I declined for the simple reason that I am not an Israeli citizen, and I thought that it would be a chutzpah for a foreigner (even one who is a permanent resident) to criticize the local government. The British, Dutch, French, Italians, and Americans have the right to live according to their laws, rules, and customs. In the past, immigrants readily agreed to become like the locals. My mother said that her school in New York had no program to teach in German. She learned English, came to love the Brooklyn Dodgers, and could belt out the Star Spangled Banner at the start of a Cubs game with the best of them. Today, immigrants want to make California Mexico and the UK Pakistan. Economically failed cultures come to successful cultures and pull them down rather than join their hosts moving up. It used to be that immigrants were proud to be new Americans or Europeans. Now, all we hear is how terrible the host country is and how good things were at home. Mexicans boo the national anthem at soccer games, and Muslims deface European statues and landmarks. Planes leave the country you despise on the hour; please take one.
People can be equal but different. And while all people can get along for the short term, not all groups can live harmoniously side-by-side as fellow citizens. Muslims blocking streets to pray may work in Islamabad but less so in Liverpool. European leaders, if they were not so clueless and ideologically driven, would see the pro-bloodshed rallies in their midst and start ejecting their Muslim immigrants who refuse to integrate. They are so convinced that everyone is the same that they will go down with their countries rather than make the necessary course corrections now.