
Democrats Protest Over…Oh, Who Gives a Damn?

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It must be exhausting to be a Democrat, you have to be ready to march or chant over whatever someone else insists you be outraged over at any given time. How do you even have time to live? 

Actually, who cares? If a group of people ever deserved to be miserable it is the people who have imposed misery on the country with failed policies and fascistic and divisive social engineering, so if they’re upset or unhappy…good. 

Still, watching the local news out of Washington, DC, – something I only do on Sundays – all you see is left-wing propaganda designed to inspire the weak-minded to take to the streets over whatever Democrats are upset about. This past weekend it was spending cuts and the Kennedy Center.

First, the spending cuts. Who cares? 

The local NBC station, naturally, is very upset over federal employees losing their jobs, just as all Democrats are. Notice how none of the discussion related to layoffs has anything to do with whether or not the jobs are necessary or even useful, just that they exist and MUST continue to exist. I have seen zero discussion over what it is these people do, do we need it, is it redundant or outdated, or anything. They simply don’t care.

None of this would fly in the private sector because private companies are paying for things with the money they earn, so they need to make sure they don’t waste any of it. The government doesn’t earn anything – it produces nothing, sells nothing – it pays with money it takes or creates, it can always take more or create more, so there is no limit to any of it. 

There’s also no need to concern yourself with running out of it or if it is being spent in the best or most effective way, just print more or add another zero to the debt. 

Have you been losing sleep over the idea of a federal bureaucrat losing their job? There’s a lot of talk here about a few thousand being let go and “the impact on the community.” Are government bureaucrats now a “community”? Apparently. 

Well, welcome to the reality everyone not employed by the government lives with, hold on to your hats.

Empathy when anyone loses their jobs, but no sympathy because sympathy can manipulate behavior and decisions must be made in a callous way.

Then there is the Kennedy Center. Honestly, who cares? Unless you live in the area, the Kennedy Center is meaningless to you. It’s just a large events center where concerts and plays happen. You likely have something similar in whatever major town you live near.

What makes the Kennedy Center special? Nothing but the name. The Kennedy family is allegedly upset over the changes coming, but who cares? They don’t pay for it, so their opinion should matter as much as what a guy named Tony McDonald thinks of the price of a Big Mac. 

One of the things President Trump did when he took over leadership of the Center is cancel a bunch of the left-wing crap they were doing – and that taxpayers were subsidizing – including a drag show. Local media immediately clutched their fake pearls and drag queens took to the streets. “So by attacking drag and attempts to outlaw drag on local and national levels, Trump is simultaneously trying to outlaw trans people's very existence,” the local NBC station reported some drag queen whining.

No one is trying to outlaw drag – you want to wear a dress, knock yourself out. Just don’t expect taxpayers to cover any of the costs or sit back as you do it in front of kids. If you need it subsidized, that should tell you something. If you need to do it or anything even tangentially sexual in front of kids, that should tell everyone something about you.

There was a march, chants and speeches from a small crowd in front of the Kennedy Center and the media dutifully covered it like it mattered and had wide support, because it does…in newsrooms and with Democrat leadership. Everyone else, not so much.

Democrats will “take to the streets” for anything…except the drug addicts, mentally ill and homeless people their policies have driven to those streets. If there’s a left-wing cause that the government has no business being involved with or paying for, that faces the very same financial realities those of us who live in real America face, the left has a chant for that. It’s exhausting to watch, no matter how funny their panic at being forced to deal with a little bit of reality is.

Derek Hunter is the host of a free daily podcast (subscribe!) and author of the book, Outrage, INC., which exposes how liberals use fear and hatred to manipulate the masses, and host of the weekly “Week in F*cking Review” podcast where the news is spoken about the way it deserves to be. Follow him on Twitter at @DerekAHunter.