
The Cops Are Finally Unloading on the Commies and Normal People Are Fed Up

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The cops are finally unloading on these mutated, bloated, weird-looking, communist protesters. And I don't want to call them "protesters" because they're not really protesting; they're cosplaying. They might as well be wearing Harry Potter getup. It's like a Renaissance Fair for communist scumbags. Now, what we are seeing is a class war, and it's these aspiring scumbags who want to get into the ruling class against normal people, and they don't think that rules apply to them. And why would they? They've been told they're special. They've been told that they're snowflakes. They have lived a participation trophy life. They've never had to deal with the consequences of their actions. It's been normalized by their commie professors and by things like TikTok where the loudest idiot is the most influential.