Biden's Open Door to Criminals, Drug Pushers and Human Traffickers

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When President Joe Biden hung out the welcome sign at our southern border, he and his open-border cronies tried to portray his policy as an act of compassion. This is still their supposed rationale for allowing anyone and everyone unlawful access to the U.S.

However, when it became obvious the tidal wave of immigrants entering our country illegally includes violent criminals, drug pushers and human traffickers, Biden's compassion rationale lost its luster. In response, he and his cronies ramped up the use of their favorite tactic: attacking not the problem but those who point out the problem. Biden's use of this tactic to deceive, distract and distort continues, which should surprise no one. The Greek philosopher Socrates warned when the debate is lost, slander becomes the tool of the losers.

We warn of the potential consequences of open borders in our new book, "Tragic Consequences: The Price America is Paying for Rejecting God and How We Can Reclaim Our Culture for Christ" (available at all major booksellers). Those consequences include extending an open door to criminals, drug pushers and human traffickers.

Because of the Biden administration's feckless immigration policies, violent criminals gaining access to the U.S. has become so problematic that 22 senators, led by Ted Cruz of Texas and Cindy Hyde-Smith of Mississippi, sent a letter to Biden's hapless Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas demanding he immediately rescind the Guidance for Enforcement of Civil Immigration Law -- a Biden administration policy that, according to the senators, deprioritizes the removal of dangerous criminal aliens. Their letter cites 16 examples of crimes committed by illegal immigrants including homicides, rapes, assaults, robberies, and deaths caused by drunk driving.

For drug pushers, Biden's open-door policy is a dream come true, and they are taking full advantage of it. As a result, since Biden hung out the welcome sign, fentanyl deaths have skyrocketed in the U.S. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, drug overdoses in the U.S. reached record-breaking levels in 2021 -- more than 100,000 -- and the trend continues. More than 10,000 pounds of fentanyl were seized at our southern border in 2021, and the movement of this deadly drug across the border has increased in 2022.

An unfathomably evil practice encouraged by Biden's open door at our southern border is human trafficking. Human trafficking is modern-day slavery. Victims of human trafficking -- typically women and children -- are sold as sexual slaves, forced labor or human collateral for debt bondage. Debt bondage, or debt slavery, involves forcing an individual to work to pay off a debt incurred personally or by a family member. Those who hold the debt continually add to it, so what is owed becomes perpetual; it's never paid off. Many of the immigrants who cross America's southern border illegally wind up as debt slaves to the traffickers who transport them from their native countries.

In some cases, human-trafficking victims are forced to submit to having their organs extracted. The organs are then sold through a worldwide black market. The sale of human organs is a huge and thriving business worldwide.

The most common goal of human traffickers is recruiting and exploiting children as sexual slaves. All cases of human trafficking involve subjecting victims to human bondage, taking control of their lives, eliminating their autonomy, restricting their freedom of movement and denying them the right to make their own decisions.

Our message for Joe Biden and his open-border cronies is simple: There is nothing compassionate about opening the door to our country to violent criminals, drug pushers and human traffickers. Your job is to protect American citizens, not subject them to this kind of evil.