'New World Order?' Biden Wants to Be King of the World – Or At Least a Part of It

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Talk about biting off more than he can chew. President Joe Biden has proclaimed himself the leader of the New World Order. Biden says he’s going to just tell the Europeans that’s he’s appointed himself to this position and they had better accept it because after all who else could do the job?

This is a new kind of grotesque globalism that defies the imagination. The world is teetering on the brink of a potential nuclear war, the United States is collapsing under urban crime, skyrocketing gas prices and open borders and Biden thinks he’s going to be king of the world – at least a part of it. Is this merely the next phase of his mental acuity disorder? To put it bluntly, if Biden is allowed to lead any New World Order there won’t be any world to lead.

Biden has hardly demonstrated any ability to lead the United States let alone the world and it is downright frightening to hear him talking this way.  There was a certain German dictator fond of wearing dark brown and field gray who used to talk of a New Order in Europe and we all know how that turned out. The last U.S. president to talk about a New World Order was President George H.W. Bush, who inherited the post-Cold War world of President Ronald Reagan and unfortunately never had the chance to implement the opportunity of working with a refashioned Russia and sponsoring its emergence as a truly democratic nation.

Instead, he lost the presidency to Bill Clinton and we entered that phase of history that was constantly being described as “interesting times” and was characterized by civil wars around the world and eventually by Islamic extremism.

After decades of proxy wars, the world seemed to fall apart. You remember the chaos in the Balkans as the former Yugoslavia dissolved into Croatia, Bosnia and Serbia and bloody fighting. I was there with the NATO forces and saw the war crimes. It was something I would never forget.

Then we were focused on ISIS and the Taliban and the world focussed again on the Middle East and we almost forgot that there was trouble brewing in Europe – a large cauldron of trouble and it was the shortsightedness of U.S. policy that was to blame.

But what did we gain with the fall of communism from 1989-1991? These were heady times with the fall of the Berlin Wall and the collapse of the Warsaw Pact and finally the breakup of the Soviet Union and the creation of a democratic Russian federation. Maybe at this juncture it was time to begin winding down NATO but instead we began to increase its membership almost to the point of absurdity, bringing in microstates and increasing the risk of war by the sheer probability that Albania would be more likely to be attacked than say Germany or the United Kingdom. 

NATO was founded on the principle of containing the Soviet Union. With the Soviet Union gone it literally lost its raison d’etre and had to search for a new identity. That new identity would inevitably be an affront to Russia, especially as the alliance gobbled up former members of the Warsaw Pact.

Former President Donald Trump wanted to shift the alliance’s focus to counter-terrorism but that never really happened and NATO continued on a collision course. It was another lost opportunity because Trump realized that the continued growth of NATO was not a healthy expansion for either the United States or the world and one that was going to inevitably lead to a potential conflict somewhere, sometime.

So as President Biden meets with NATO leaders and proclaims a New World Order we must demand exactly what that world is going to look like and whether there will be a world to govern if current events continue in their present form.

This has gone beyond recognizing that Russia has violated international law by invading Ukraine or that its president, Vladimir Putin, is a war criminal.

Up to this point, Biden has been relatively sane in his attitude towards the war in Ukraine. He has not offered MiG fighters nor a no-fly zone despite mad demands from both Democrats and Republicans that he do so despite the consequences. But the U.S. was playing a game with Ukraine for years, suggesting it might become a member of NATO and knowing full well that that would never be acceptable to the Russians and also knowing full well that it wasn’t acceptable to us when the Russians decided to use Cuba as a missile base. 

This war in Ukraine has to end quickly for the benefit of everyone, the U.S. included. If President Biden thinks there is any glory in leading a New World Order comprised of NATO members against Russia, China and India, there won’t be and in fact we will be outnumbered. 

President Biden would be presiding over a New World Order that would be an extension of what he has created and what he is in the process of engendering in the United States: growing inflation, overspending, international open borders, urban crime as well as potential famine and recession. You think this is depressing on a national scale? Just wait for it on an international level with Uncle Joe in charge and Vice President Kamala Harris waiting in the wings.

Over the past two years, the United States has gone through a COVID-19 pandemic, and a failed Biden presidency. Why are Republican leaders demanding that we do everything we can to help Ukraine win its war with Russia when they are not demanding that Biden close the southern border with Mexico when it is increasingly dominated by vicious drug cartels? 

What is entirely frightening is that we are continuing to slip into the abyss of a third world war as if it was both inevitable and manageable. Ukraine needs to understand that it has to be a neutral nation and it is time for the United States to focus on its domestic troubles and to continue to take an extended vacation from foreign wars. Perhaps former President Trump’s greatest contribution to foreign policy was his reinvention of the Theodore Roosevelt dictum, “Speak softly and carry a big stick.” Trump did not engage the U.S. in any foreign wars but stared down many foreign pusillanimous opponents, knowing full-well that the threat of the unthinkable is more powerful than actually starting a war. Just thinking about a divorce is sufficient deterrence to actually having one. Once you have that trial separation, you can get used to something that once seemed completely taboo.

Wars leave little but death, political chaos, financial ruin and social disaster. We do not want a new globalism led by Generalissimo Joe Biden and perpetual wars in Europe and then in Asia. We do not want to get used to war in a nuclear age. We used to understand this; but too many have forgotten it.

We need a renewed emphasis on diplomacy and realism to end this war in Ukraine before it is literally too late. The retired armchair generals on Fox News and CNN might be ecstatic over the possibilities of another conflict overseas but half of them seem to be living in an alternate reality that has very little to do with the real world.