The Jobs Report Dud

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Markets continue to edge higher reflecting the message that this jobs report was Goldilocks for the stock market.  Without a doubt, it was a dud no matter how hard the administration and mainstream media try to spin it……there should have been so many more jobs created.  How does the unemployment rate surge like that?  It’s not the 151,000 people that came into the labor force - that number should have been 400,000+. 

There are nine million jobs out there.

The Atlanta Fed is not buying the hype, either and is lowering their second quarter GDP to 7.8% from 8.6%.

To see the chart, click here.

Folks, we have to be nimble, but we have to stay the course.  Let great fundamentals be your guide on individual names while acknowledging the emotions of the crowd are teed up for more volatility. 

Have a great holiday weekend.  God bless America.  Remain safe.