The answer to the question above is “Yes.” Some are evil, some are stupid, some are evil AND stupid, and some fall into the “what” category. There exist people on earth who are just plain evil, who will destroy other people's lives for their own personal gain. That describes the Democratic Party leadership. They are pure evil. However, many of their followers are just stupid. Others of their followers are…what? Let me explain.
Some Democrats are simply evil. As noted, such people do exist and always have. We don’t help the world by denying their existence and trying to find some “good” in them. On the transgender issue, for example, there are three kinds of people in the Democratic Party. There's the Democratic Party leadership, who I am convinced knows that a man cannot be a woman; Barack Obama and Nancy Pelosi are not stupid. But they support transgenderism; they support the destruction of countless human lives purely for political motives. That is nothing but evil.
Then there are Democrats who are just stupid. I hate using that word; it sounds ugly, but it’s simply the truth. People exist who actually believe a man can become a woman simply by saying he is. Stupid is the only word for that. Now, some Democrats are stupid AND evil. A mother who believes in transgenderism, who actually believes that her child is of the wrong sex and thus gives the child puberty blockers or a gender-change operation, is not just stupid; she's also evil for what she's doing to her child. So, you can be both stupid and evil. Not all stupid people are evil, but some of them are.
The “what” Democrats. There are many, many people in America, both Democrats and Republicans, who are not “political junkies” and who really just don't care one way or another. They don’t especially feel affected by politics, they are busy with their lives, they are apathetic to anything that doesn’t directly involve them—and they are obviously not intelligent enough to recognize indirect influences on their lives. They don't care what somebody else does. It’s totally immaterial to them.
How do we correct this? Evil, stupidity, and apathy have significant effects on society, and the evil of Democratic Party leadership and the stupidity and apathy of so many of the party’s members have almost destroyed the nation. What is to be done here?
Education has to be one of the major concerns because nearly all of what we are is a product of education. What we (think we) know is what we have been taught. We believe what we have been taught. And the current “zeitgeist” of America has, for too long, been directed by Leftist forces (schools and media especially). The belief in “man-made climate change,” for example, is not because the issue has been studied and conclusions drawn based on credible evidence. Most people believe in climate change because they've been told that most people believe in it. And so, they should accept climate change because that's what the zeitgeist of the times says.
The ”what” among Democrats might be the biggest challenge we face. Frankly, most people don't take the time and aren't inclined to do the study necessary to draw proper conclusions based upon solid evidence, thus building their lives on facts and truth. They simply accept the zeitgeist, and that, as noted, has been Leftist in America for too long. So, most of them vote Democrat.
A little more on this. A country’s “zeitgeist”-- the spirit of the time, the general trend of thought, feeling, or tastes characteristic of a particular period—is incredibly influential. People absorb what is around them in schools, media, and friends from a thousand sources. Most people do that, producing the “zeitgeist” of the age—climate change. Too many people either don’t have the time or care enough to do the research necessary to find out the truth. They accept the “zeitgeist.” Hence, the current Democratic Party.
Many of these individuals become the “don't bother me with the facts; my mind is already made up” crowd. My sister is like that. She is a lovely person, as sweet as anyone can be. She knows I write for Townhall, but she never reads any of my articles because her mind is already closed with her leftist beliefs, and she doesn’t want her belief system disturbed by truth. She does little “evil,” but she votes for evil people. And for that, she is very culpable. That describes countless people in the country.
America as a whole, our current “zeitgeist,” has rejected divine guidance for an “every man does that which is right in his own eyes” “live and let live” philosophy. Any nation that follows that path is going in the wrong direction. America's biggest problems are not political, and politics or politicians will not solve them. America's problem is moral, its rejection of divine guidance. And until that is corrected, the country will continue to drift away from the truth and down a path to destruction.
If a person starts with the wrong premise, he’ll always have the wrong conclusions, regardless of how “intelligent” he might be. “The fear of the Lord is the BEGINNING of knowledge.” If people don't start with that premise, they will always end up with the wrong answers. If I'm in Dallas and want to go to Los Angeles, if I head north, I won’t arrive in LA because I'm going in the wrong direction.
Many so-called “intelligent” people do just that. Their IQs may be very high, but they've begun with the wrong premise, and thus, they will forever reach the wrong conclusions.
Call it evil, call it stupid, call it…whatever you want. But we’d better get back on the right path.
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