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Do Normal People Pay Any Attention at All to These Democrat Lunatics?

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AP Photo/J. Scott Applewhite

Do you think any normal people are listening to these Democrat and affiliated lunatics? I mean, I’m listening to them, and you’re probably listening to them, because we’re deep inside the whole political world, but I have to wonder – are normal people paying any attention at all to these circus freaks and their incessant, hyperbolic whining, mewling, and complaining? I don’t know. I have been too busy lately to spend a lot of time around normal people, but I do see some indicators. About 76% of people who listened to Donald Trump’s speech the other night loved it. Americans never agree on 76% of anything, not even that puppies and cheeseburgers are swell, and yet 76% agreed that Trump did a good job. It didn’t hurt that the Democrats acted like complete idiots and embarrassed themselves, but still – out there in the real world, what are people actually thinking?


Social media twists things. It provides a soap box for a few really smart people and a huge loudspeaker for a much greater number of complete morons. It’s like there’s an IQ test to join social media, and you only get admitted if you fail it. Look at the kind of thing you see on X lately, and not just from Americans. You’ve got a bunch of Canadians waving their goofy maple leaf flag like the biggest, butchest bunch of Tim Horton-lovong igloo jockey patriots ever to grace their godforsaken wilderness of snow and mooses, yet just a month ago their timelines were full of heartfelt sobbing about how Canada was built on the bones of genocided indigenous peoples. Patriotism used to be the last refuge to the scoundrel, but now it’s the last refuge of the sexually unsatisfied, SSRI-ridden Chardonnay woman and the hapless femme boys who make up much of our globalist elite.

And take the Europeans, please – well, actually, the Third World barbarians they imported are taking them (or at least their women), so that’s kind of a done deal. Boy, they’ve gotten uppity now that America has told them they’ve got to defend themselves and that if they want to supply Ukraine, they’re free to do so on their own. They’re really showing us. They’re promising to defend themselves and to supply Ukraine on their own. Take that Donald Trump – here’s exactly what you asked for! That’ll show you.

Their latest tantrum has been about JD Vance, who’s not having any of their guff. According to posh, fussy Brits who are either stupid or think you and their fellow subjects are stupid, by pointing out the UK’s total lack of any meaningful military, the Veep was somehow spitting on the graves of British soldiers. Of course, it’s a vile lie, but vile lies are their specialty. The London tabloids had a festival of onanism over that one – Keith Starmer joined in, trying to leverage what little residual patriotism remains on that green and occupied land to bolster his cratering support. Of course, JD Vance didn’t say anything about their honored dead, and the critics cared about the honored dead as much as they cared about the little girls the Third World barbarians they imported are molesting. They hate their own country, and most of the people now screaming about the honored dead never honored them in the first place. It was just last week that the Labour Party removed the portrait of Lord Horatio Nelson and replaced it with a drawing of some bitter shrew feminist hack. These snobby, foppy Brits don’t love Britain; like their wives, they’re just faking it.


And then, here at home, it’s a nonstop carousel of idiocy. What are normal people to make of Chris Murphy, who insists that Elon Musk is personally pillaging through people’s Social Security numbers, as if he needs the money. And they’re constantly whining about laying off useless federal flunkies, never mind the fact that normal people out in the private sector, who have to actually perform, get laid off all the time. Oh no, somebody who always wanted to be a park ranger can’t be a park ranger, as if we’re supposed to fund the dreams and desires of randos regardless of whether we need their minimal contributions or not. 

Have you noticed how every single cut to any agency is the first step in a gigantic genocide? Why, we haven’t faced such a perilous threat of perilous peril since net neutrality, which we somehow – against all odds – seemed to have survived pretty well. Somebody came up with the term “hostage puppy,” where any kind of limitation on the metastasis of the government means the puppy is going to die. It’s never the hog or the rat; it’s always little Fido wagging his tail. How can you be so heartless?

Does this even work? Do normal people even pay attention to this? We laugh at off. We see noted particle physicist and aspiring rapper Jasmine Crockett launch into yet another semiliterate tirade and we just laugh. We know these people are idiots, and we’re used to it. But how did normal people react? Do they even react at all? Do they even see it? Most people have too much common sense to be on social media. They have lives, so they’re not seeing the 24/7 parade of pinko weirdos, losers, and mutations insisting that Donald Trump is about to come to their house and force them into handmaiden outfits.


We know normal people are not reading newspapers, because nobody is. Newspapers don’t really exist anymore – few developments over the last decade have been more satisfying than the ongoing collapse of the regime media. But the TV networks still exist, though I never watch them. Wait, that’s not quite true – sometimes I’ll watch “60 Minutes” if it’s doing some fluffy segment about a cute kangaroo rescue farm or talking dolphins, but most of the time, the stories are about feckless federal flunkies enraged that Donald Trump is cutting them off from the steamtables at the Golden Corral that is, or was, the United States Treasury. You and I are immune to those heartstring pluckings, and I think normal people are, too. It’s always the same. It’s always tiresome. It’s always dumb. I imagine normal people tune it out, only paying attention when one of the five million “NCIS” shows comes on. 

It was probably inevitable that normal people would grow immune to this kind of cheesy manipulation. I think they’re just done. Certainly, they voted that way last November. They know the system is broken, and they know the people who broke the system are lying to them all the time in every possible way. I don’t think it works anymore, but we will certainly see. In the meantime, my job requires that I keep wading through the social media cesspool, and I have to tell you – I’m just not impressed by our opposition.


Our alleged betters aren’t better than us. They’re stupid. They’re boring. They’re ridiculous. I guess that’s another of Donald Trump’s superpowers – the ability to attract the dumbest enemies possible.

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