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11 Liberal Rules for Racism in America

The opinions expressed by columnists are their own and do not necessarily represent the views of Townhall.com.

When America was a racist country, Democrats were primarily the ones engaged in racism. However, now that racism has been largely relegated to the fringes of American society (the KKK, the New Black Panthers, the Nation of Islam, La Raza, MEChA, Al Sharpton, Jesse Jackson, American Nazi Party, etc.), the Democrats are constantly wagging their fingers about it. Of course naturally, given the racist history of the Democrat Party, liberals have managed to rig the rules in order to benefit themselves and hurt their political opponents. That's a pretty neat albeit despicable trick that they've managed to pull off.


1) Liberals aren't held to the same rules as Republicans: When liberals say racist things, it's just excused out of hand as if it's no big deal. If Dick Cheney had said, "I mean, you got the first mainstream African-American who is articulate and bright and clean and a nice-looking guy. I mean, that’s a storybook, man" instead of Joe Biden, you'd read about it every time he criticized Barack Obama. When Christopher Dodd said, “I do not think it is an exaggeration at all to say to my friend from West Virginia [Sen. Robert C. Byrd, a former Ku Klux Klan recruiter] that he would have been a great senator at any moment. . . . He would have been right during the great conflict of civil war in this nation,” it was shrugged off. On the other hand, Trent Lott ended up resigning from the GOP leadership for making very similar comments about Strom Thurmond.

2) Minority racism must be ignored:According to Rasmussen polling, "Thirty-seven percent (37%) of American Adults think most black Americans are racist, according to a new Rasmussen Reports national telephone survey. Just 15% consider most white Americans racist, while 18% say the same of most Hispanic Americans." This isn't coming out of the ether. Black Americans voted overwhelmingly for Barack Obama over Hillary Clinton because he was black. If George Zimmerman had been black and Trayvon Martin had been Hispanic, most black Americans would have been indifferent to the case or would have supported Zimmerman. This is one of the great ironies of the liberal obsession with racism. While they can turn practically anything into evidence of Republican racism, the most grotesque examples of racism from minorities are just shrugged off.


3) You pay no penalty for falsely accusing people of racism: False accusations of racism can do just as much damage as actual racism. People can be ostracized for it, lose endorsement deals or even lose their jobs over being falsely accused of racism. Yet, the only reason you've heard of people like Al Sharpton, Jesse Jackson, Touré, and Melissa Harris-Perry is because they're willing to accuse people of being racists on the flimsiest of pretexts. It's tempting to compare these race-hustling poverty pimps to the KKK, but the more appropriate analogy is the Spanish Inquisition. The attitude is, "So what if we unjustly accuse a lot of people as long as we get a few heretics in the process?"

4) Outrage matters more than facts: It doesn't matter what Bush actually did in New Orleans or that the local government failed the people of the city; it matters how people FEEL about it. It doesn't matter that Democrats have run Detroit since 1962; it matters that people FEEL Republicans are responsible. It doesn't matter that Trayvon Martin wasn't really a twelve year old kid and that he was slamming George Zimmerman's head into the pavement; it matters that Zimmerman's acquittal FEELS symbolic of law-abiding black Americans being profiled because so many other black Americans are criminals. Once an accusation of racism is made, facts are treated as if they're of secondary importance to FEELINGS.

5) It's okay to discriminate against white Americans: It's unbelievable that in 2013, we still have race-based discrimination in America and liberals are perfectly fine with it. The rationale for what should be an incredible violation of the equal protection clause in the Constitution? It's that whites are doing better than blacks are as a group. That's probably a cold comfort to the son of a white single mother making minimum wage whose son loses out to one of Obama's daughters because he happened to be Caucasian.


6) It's always the fifties and sixties: Comparing the United States of 2013, when we have a black President of the United States to a time when black Americans couldn't drink from the same water fountains as whites is so ridiculous that to do so should practically be considered a sign of mental illness. Yet, it happens all the time and it's not immediately met with laughter and eye rolls. It should be. The reason that it happens is because it benefits liberals politically to pretend that racism is still everywhere. After all, what else does the Democrat Party have to offer minorities in America other than protection from mostly non-existent racism? Crime-ridden neighborhoods? Joblessness? Poverty? Fighting mostly non-existent racism the Democrat Party can handle just fine, but actually helping people improve their lives is apparently way too tough to manage.

7) Past evidence must be ignored: Ironically, saying you have "black friends" is now considered to be something that a racist would say. That says much more about the sort of witch hunt allegations of racism have become in this country than the people who say it. Judge Charles Pickering put his life on the line to prosecute the Grand Dragon of the KKK in Mississippi in the early sixties; yet liberals falsely branded him a racist to stop his nomination to the 5th Circuit Court of Appeals. George Zimmerman tutored black children and fought to get justice for a black homeless man beaten by police and even voted for Obama, but he was still falsely portrayed as a racist. This can happen only because determining if someone is a racist has become a political tool that is completely disconnected from whether the person in question actually dislikes people because of the color of their skin.


8) Republicans secretly want to do things Democrats used to do: Conservative, moderate, and liberal Democrats were behind slavery, the KKK, Jim Crow laws, segregation, the Tuskegee Experiment, lynchings and every other racist horror inflicted on black Americans in this country. Republicans stood against the Democrats while they were doing all of those terrible things and while we congratulate them on now agreeing with us that they were wrong, it's disgusting to try to blame Democrat sins on the Republican Party. God willing, a hundred years from now Democrats will be wagging their fingers about the horrors of murdering children via abortion and claiming Republicans secretly want to abort children. If so, it would be the same sort of step forward we've seen from the Democrats on racism.

9) Minorities shouldn't be held to the same standards as whites:Walter Williams once said, "During the first Reagan administration, I participated in a number of press conferences on either a book or article I’d written or as a panelist in a discussion of White House public policy. On occasion, when the question-and-answer session began, I’d tell the press, 'You can treat me like a white person. Ask hard, penetrating questions.' The remark often brought uncomfortable laughter, but I was dead serious. If there is one general characteristic of white liberals, it’s their condescending and demeaning attitude toward blacks." The soft bigotry of low expectations that liberals bring to the table encourages mediocrity, undercuts excellence and generally helps to hold minorities in America back.


10) When a white non-liberal disagrees with a liberal minority, it's probably because of racism: Republicans absolutely detested Jimmy Carter and Bill Clinton; so what kind of moron would assume that their intense dislike of Barack Obama must be driven by race? Tea Partiers love black conservatives that agree with them, like Herman Cain and Allen West; so could there be a reason that they detest Barack Obama other than race? Do we really need the Scooby Gang to figure out why a group that's all about small government, low taxes, and cutting spending would dislike a socialist who's all about big government, higher taxes and increasing spending?

11) Only liberals get to decide what's racist: We've set up a system where the world's most easily offended people get to decide what's offensive and what's not and coincidentally, crying "racism" often helps them fund raise or hurts their political opponents. It's like starting up the Salem Witch Trials again and then giving Al Sharpton, Jesse Jackson, and the NAACP $10,000 every time they find a "witch" to burn. If we did that, what do you think the chances are they'd be finding witches EVERYWHERE? EXACTLY.

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