Our Founding Fathers knew it. Abraham Lincoln knew it and Donald Trump knows it: The greatest threat to United States has always been internal enemies.
As we defeated the British in 1783, re-defended the nation in the War of 1812, survived the U.S. Civil War, helped Europe to victory and to rebuild following the world wars, America was on relatively firm footing. The Cold War lasted for 44 years and, yes, the Soviet menace was real, while the rising specter of Communist China continues to be a major threat to our nation.
Intentionally Brazen
The biggest threat we face, however, is from our internal enemies – Leftists. This is no alarmist view or a delusion. We are beset with enemies who have shifted from concocting attacks in secret to no longer fearing being out in the open, aided and abetted by the Biden Administration.
From foreign influence peddling and kickbacks, to extortion, to racketeering, to assaults on crypto currencies, to weaponizing Federal agencies, to colluding with state AGs and municipal DAs, to spying on Americans, to intimidating media organizations, to ignoring Supreme Court decisions, to harassing selected taxpayers, to indicting and jailing political opponents, to bogus billion-dollar budget allocations, and to systematically weakening border control, Joe Biden’s Leftist puppet masters became more brazen.
Armed with an autopen, they turned the Biden Administration into a lawless regime culminating in Joe Biden to having to pardon his own family. Then they selected Kamala Harris, a notably empty shell, to replace Biden in the 2024 election.
The Likely Tipping Point
What prompted the puppet masters to proceed so boldly? The tipping point, a decade back, was the weaponization of the federal government initiated by Barack Obama. The Department of Justice, under the tainted leadership of Eric Holder, became an organ of the Democrat party and of progressives and socialists throughout the nation.
The Biden Department of Justice in particular was a cruel joke. While Merrick Garland and company accomplished some worthwhile tasks, such as rounding up child predators, stopping minor terrorist attack plans, and short-circuiting plots against our government, they largely acted with extreme partisanship. They would not prosecute the higher-ups in the Democrat Party no matter what the crime. Concurrently, they gleefully persecuted and prosecuted any GOP official who transgressed by even a glimmer, of a subset, of a fraction of what the Left disapproved.
Beyond the Department of Justice and the FBI, the CIA, NSA, Department of Defense, Department of Education, EPA, USAID, IRS, VOA, FEMA and untold numbers of other agencies were all carrying water for the Democrat party. That is why the current level of resistance to rooting out waste, fraud, and abuse by Donald Trump and Elon Musk is so high. And our internal enemies remain formidable.
An Endless Power Grab
Such enemies have one basic goal: to grab power. They wish to rule. If they retake the House and Senate in 2026 they’ll accelerate their twisted efforts. They believe that they can dance with the devil: allow China to run roughshod over our national security, rely on foreign energy sources, throw Israel under the bus, and have none of this come home to roost.
Our internal enemies are present in every facet of America. From kindergarten to high school and throughout of universities, highly partisan educators believe it is their mission to indoctrinate our nation's youth to become non-questioning, compliant, Democrat supporters. Despite the sizable share of the Trump 2024 youth vote, surveys reveal that alarming numbers of students accept socialism and even Marxism.
As we all know, our legacy media has long leaned Left. Hollywood, academia, Internet giants, book publishers, magazine publishers, and even many pollsters are all in on the ruse.
Saving Democracy by Destroying It
Against the Trump Administration, they’ve launched a gargantuan lawfare campaign, cherry-picking the nation’s Leftist judges to hamper every move. In 2028, if they prevail in the presidential election, they will move swiftly to permanently seize control of our nation.
These enemies, who claim they are saving democracy, but actually despise it, will intimidate and threaten non-compliant judges. These enemies are on school boards and city councils. While some patriotic, fair-minded, lawful Democrats still exist, their understanding of reality has been infected and eroded by the factions discussed above.
Even if we retain the Senate and House, and if most state legislatures are Republican, our battle will still take decades to resolve. Many of us will be long gone before the ultimate triumph can be achieved.
Nevertheless, it is a fight we must pursue; indeed we have no choice.
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