Back on January 3, 2020, General Qasem Soleimani, the leader of the Iranian Revolutionary Guard Corps and the much vaunted Iranian Quds Force, was en route from the Baghdad International Airport to meet with allied Iraqi and Iranian forces inside the capitol city of Baghdad.
Soleimani was no doubt behind much of the civil unrest and demonstrations occurring outside the U.S. Embassy in Baghdad at the time, and likely was in Iraq to plan for future operations against the United States, the so-called “Great Satan,” as well as against Israel the “Little Satan.”
The Quds Force that Soleimani headed up is an Iranian specialized military unit that is involved primarily in clandestine and extraterritorial operations. It has been used by the Iranian regime to conduct assassination operations, attacks against Israel and the United States as well as other Western interests, and to stir up discontent and civil unrest in countries in the Middle East and elsewhere around the world. Honestly it keeps me awake at night wondering how many were allowed to just walk into the United States over the last four years under the Biden administration.
But unfortunately for Qasem Soleimani, American intelligence services became aware of the timing of his visit to Baghdad, and under the orders of then President Donald J. Trump, Qasem Soleimani, along with a few others accompanying him, were reduced to nothing more than grease spots on the highway leading from the Baghdad airport to downtown Baghdad. There were enough pieces of Soleimani left – not many - so that a positive identification could be made and it was confirmed that we were rid of one of the world’s worst terrorists.
In one fell swoop, President Trump eliminated one of the largest single threats to America, and the individual who was behind many of the attacks that have taken American and Israeli lives. Qasem Soleimani learned a lesson in ‘Fool Around and Find Out.’ That’s a lesson that Iran and other enemies of America would do well to take note of, since the days of Joe Biden’s inept administration are over. As the saying goes, “there’s a new sheriff in town.”
Hamas is learning that lesson right now as Israel has resumed attacks against Hamas inside Gaza. Hamas was warned, and was given multiple opportunities and time to return the hostages they are still holding as well as returning the remains of those hostages who died – more likely were murdered – while in captivity. Hamas ‘fooled around.’ And now they’re ‘finding out.’
Certainly we feel compassion for any hostages still being held, especially after hearing of the horrific conditions they lived under and the terrible treatment they experienced at the hands of their Hamas captors. We also feel compassion for the hostages’ families and loved ones back in Israel and here in the U.S.
Most assuredly the renewed combat operations by Israel cannot be good for the remaining hostages, ‘IF’ any are indeed still alive. It’s definitely a tough time for their families who are obviously worried about how this may affect their loved ones.
Sadly, we are dealing with individuals in Gaza who have no human compassion themselves. Any hostages that might still be alive are being kept alive as nothing more than bargaining chips, or for the personal enjoyment of their tormenters.
Some weeks after the barbaric October 7th attacks against Israel I wrote an opinion piece on Townhall pointing out how it was just regular Palestinian citizens who celebrated in the streets when Al Qaeda attacked America and brought down the World Trade Center’s twin towers.
It was regular Palestinians who celebrated the brutality and murders of innocent Israeli men, women, and children, and the rapes of Israeli women and girls, and taking hostage Israeli and American citizens not just by Hamas on October 7th, but by regular Palestinian citizens who joined in on the atrocities.
So, in addition to FAFO, there’s another adage that would be appropriate right about now, “what goes around comes around.” President Trump and the people he has surrounded himself with are not the inept, indecisive, and corrupt administration that was Joe Biden and his team. The difference is like night and day.
Our nation’s adversaries would do well to learn the lesson that Qasem Soleimani learned the hard way, and that Hamas in Gaza is learning right now. And that message is very clear, “FAFO.”
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