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The ‘Cuckoo’s Nest’ and ‘The Gong Show’ Rolled Into One

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AP Photo/Evan Vucci

Recently I saw a news article about a Democrat lawmaker who decided to have herself sterilized. The reason she gave was because she didn’t want her child to be born during Trump’s administration.  It seemed to me to be a rather harsh step to take and as I pondered her decision two things immediately came to mind. Either she never heard of abstinence or birth control, which makes one wonder whether her parents ever actually told her about the birds and the bees, or she was just another mentally challenged Democrat suffering from a severe case of Trump Derangement Syndrome, believing that sterilization was her only option.


It was indeed a rather bizarre thing to see coming from someone who one would think had at least a few functioning brain cells since she was actually able to be elected into public office.  Of course being elected by other Democrat voters who likely suffer from her same condition pretty much answers that question. 

In addition to the story about the Democrat lawmaker choosing sterilization over common sense, I also watched with amusement a video clip on the evening news showing the Democrat leadership in Washington rallying outside of the USAID building. They were dancing, singing, using vulgar language, and basically acting as though they were auditioning for parts in a Hollywood remake of ‘One Flew Over the Cuckoos Nest’. It was obvious that most of them would play the inmates, but most certainly Nurse Ratched’s part would be saved for Nancy Pelosi.

Watching the antics of the Democrats in recent years it has only solidified in my mind at least, and I would suspect a pretty fair number of other Americans, that today’s Democrat Party itself is a form of mental illness. There’s no other explanation.  I can think of no reason for the way they behave the way they do anytime there’s a television camera around.

Watching Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer at the rally hamming it up alongside Maxine Waters was hilarious.  Hilarious and sad at the same time.  Ole Chuck has certainly progressed in his mental illness beyond just being a buffoon that people once pointed at and laughed.  Now he has reached the point where he appears to be genuinely mentally disturbed.


I remember watching him a few years ago rail and threaten violence against conservative Supreme Court Justices on the steps of the Supreme Court building in Washington.  I found his actions not only pathetic, but also very dangerous.  As evidenced by the later assassination attempt against Justice Brett Kavanaugh.  Chuck Schumer was inciting violence against members of the Supreme Court and he should have been arrested.  What he did went far beyond any free speech protected by the First Amendment.

Chuck has always been known for resorting to physical contortions trying to get in front of a TV camera, going back to his days in the Senate before he was their Leader.  I often recall watching him standing behind then Democrat Senate Leader Harry Reid and literally tripping over himself trying to make sure he was in the camera’s view every time Reid would offer comments to the gathered news media.  It was really very comical.

But as the current Democrat Leader he doesn’t have to struggle to get in the TV camera’s viewfinder anymore, he’s always the main attraction now.  Often making bizarre, nonsensical and melodramatic speeches, as he sometimes dances around flailing his arms while screeching into the TV camera.

Watching all of the Democrat’s behavior now how can anyone honestly believe that they are anything but mentally unhinged? Certainly they are not capable of thinking rationally and legislating and governing.  Instead of sitting down with the president and hashing out important legislation to help the American people, Democrats always resort to tantrums and theatrics.


Years ago on television there was a program called ‘The Gong Show’. Amateur ‘entertainers’ would come out and perform in front of three celebrity judges and a television audience. Some of the acts were absolutely horrible, and justifiably merited one of the judges grabbing hold of a mallet and banging the large gong bringing the act to an abrupt end.  It is long past time that Americans finally bang the gong on the Democrat Party, bringing their amateur and horrible act to an end.

It’s either that or call in the guys wearing the white coats and load all of the Democrats onto the short bus and cart them off to the ‘Cuckoo’s Nest’, a place where they can no longer do any harm.

Face it, the Democrat Party of today is indeed a mental illness, and a terrible act.

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