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The Gauntlet’s Been Thrown by the Drug Cartels

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AP Photo/Eric Gay

According to reports out of Mexico, the Mexican drug cartel leaders have instructed their minions to hunt down and kill U.S. Border Patrol Agents, and presumably anyone else in law enforcement or our military that is stationed along our southern border with Mexico. It’s apparent that the Mexican drug cartels have thrown down the gauntlet and intend to go to war with the United States.


With an almost unlimited money supply, as well as the advances in drone technology available on the open market – the use of drones has been reported as a tactic under consideration by the cartels to use to conduct attacks – the Trump Administration must take these threats seriously. In the interest of our own national security we must respond accordingly, both against the Mexican drug cartels inside Mexico, and against their allies within our own borders here inside the United States.

Our technical intelligence and surveillance capabilities give us a clear edge in this now declared war with the Mexican drug cartels, and we need to make full use of our ability to track down and kill from afar any cartel leadership we find. For the most part we know where they live already, it’s just a matter of issuing the order to take them out.

The drug cartel leadership needs to understand that by their publicly announced intentions they have placed a big target on their own backs, and in essence have committed suicide. How so? Because we will hunt them down, we will find them, and we will kill them.

If the Mexican government takes issue with this, then they need to do the job themselves. Unfortunately Mexico has clearly shown in the past that they are unwilling, or unable to take on the drug cartels operating within their borders. So it’s long past time for us to do it for them.

There needs to be a multi-pronged approach to guarantee success. We must depend upon the Border Patrol and law enforcement to lock down and once and for all secure our borders. We need to utilize our Special Operations forces operating on both sides of the U.S. – Mexico border, with or without the permission of the Mexican government, to carry out intelligence and selectively targeted combat actions against cartel members.


Anyone remember the Vietnam era Phoenix Program? Obviously there’s a risk involved, but our Special Operators are skilled and more than capable of going toe-to-toe with the Mexican drug cartels. This is a war and we need to conduct it like a war, with rules of engagement that favor our side to govern how we conduct operations.

What is mostly overlooked in this ongoing drug war with the Mexican cartels is how defeating the drug cartels will not only benefit the United States, but also the people of Mexico who are most often coopted and forced into working for the drug cartels. With the drug cartels put out of business the government of Mexico could focus its energies on improving the lives of its people.

Removing the yoke of suffering forced upon the poor people of Mexico by the cartels through the drug and human smuggling trade, the Mexican people could experience prosperity and an improved standard of living derived from Mexico’s wealth of natural resources, potential for industry, and for increased tourism. Hundreds, if not thousands of centuries old historical sites are not being developed right now that could contribute even more to Mexico’s economy if they were allowed to be exploited. All is currently being prevented, or at least severely impacted by the presence of the Mexican drug cartels. The benefit to both nations of a Mexico free from the drug cartel’s control would be immeasurable.

A Mexico free from drug cartel influence and control could become a haven for economic development. That alone would reduce the amount of Mexicans leaving their country, many of them just looking for a better life in their neighbor to the north. If they had something to stay in Mexico for, there wouldn’t be the need to try to illegally cross into the United States.


The Mexican drug cartels may have thrown down the gauntlet and have threatened to attack and kill our Border Patrol agents. But with President Trump in the White House now, the response from our country won’t be a weak one.

As the old saying goes, “There’s a new Sheriff in town.” President Trump will pick up that gauntlet and slap the Mexican drug cartels right across the face with it. That’s a guarantee.     


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