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Joe Lived the Dream, While We Lived the Nightmare

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AP Photo/Carolyn Kaster

As Joe Biden’s time in office is rapidly winding down, perhaps it’s appropriate that we take a look at what these past few years under the Biden-Harris administration have brought to us as a nation.  An ‘After Action Report’ on the effectiveness of this administration in meeting the needs of the American people.


Joe Biden has indeed been living large these last three and a half years. He’s been enjoying all the trappings of office at taxpayer expense.  Residing in the White House, enjoying the 24/7 Secret Service protection for himself and his family, the use of Air Force One to jet around the world, fawning Hollywood celebrities at he and his wife’s beck and call, along with the pomp and ceremony wherever he goes to conduct official business - supposedly on behalf of the American people. Unfortunately, most Americans have not had that much to really enjoy these last few years.

We’ve watched our bank accounts dwindle as a result of the rising prices created by the Biden-Harris policies that have brought us out-of-control inflation. Certainly not the “transitory inflation” that Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen tried to, and failed miserably to convince us of. We’ve watched the cost of getting back and forth to the grocery store drain our wallets due to the high price of gasoline, not to mention the ever increasing, ‘non-transitory’ cost of just feeding our families.  Housing costs have also skyrocketed under Joe Biden.

So while he lives for free in the White House, Americans wanting to buy their first home have had to put their plans on hold.  Of course, all the illegal aliens allowed into our country are being housed at fine hotels in our major cities, at taxpayer expense.  They are the only ones in America besides Joe Biden who are ‘living the dream’. The illegal aliens coming to America now don’t aspire to become good, productive citizens of this land.  They merely aspire to exploit the largesse being offered to them by the Biden-Harris administration.


We’ve watched our prestige as a world leader disappear. Nowadays America is more likely to be scoffed at and scorned, by both our friends and our enemies, than to be respected and admired as we once were. Our enemies certainly do not fear us, they laugh at us instead. Nor do other countries want to emulate us. We’ve become an embarrassment on the world stage.  A once great nation with a doddering old fool at the helm, who indeed fools no one on the international stage.

It’s been over a month now since Joe Biden was deposed as the nominee for president by the Democrat Party and he has been nearly invisible, though we continue to pay his salary for the next five months. But really, does it make much difference? After all, he was an unmitigated failure as a president anyway.  And clearly he wasn’t in charge of things.

As a result of his and his VP Kamala Harris’ policies as set forth by Barack Obama, the world is on fire. Yet Joe Biden has gone from vacation to vacation, and cutting back even further on his 10-4 workday. I can’t speak for anyone else, but I’d love to have that kind of a work schedule.

Yes, good ole Joe has been walking in tall cotton, as they say. For nearly four years now he dutifully followed his instructions and implemented Obama’s plans to “fundamentally transform” the United States of America. There is literally nothing that Biden can take sole credit for, ‘his’ administration has been guided every step of the way by Obama administration insiders who likely take their marching orders not from the president of the United States, but from the former president of the United States. With Harris by his side, and since she claims to have always been the last person in the room when Joe made decisions, Joe and Kamala have followed their orders and have presided over the near collapse of the world’s last bastion of freedom and hope.


Yes, Joe Biden has been living the dream for well over three years now, while the rest of us have been living the nightmare.

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