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Is the U.S. Being Set Up for Another September 11th ?

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AP Photo/J. Scott Applewhite

The short answer is ‘yes,’ the United States will undoubtedly experience a combined effort by a variety of actors, both inside and outside of America, to commit acts of terror against our country in the coming months. Whether it will be attacks against our infrastructure, at mass gatherings of Americans during sporting events or parades and festivals, or attacks intended to severely impact our economy, or a combination of all three, the bottom line is that it is not ‘if,’ but only ‘when’ our country experiences attacks. Unfortunately we are woefully unprepared for when it happens.  


My own guess is that there will be multiple attacks occurring between now and the November elections in order to not only inflict harm to Americans, but to also disrupt our political process. There certainly will be an effort to not only inflict enormous casualties as happened in Israel on October 7th of last year, and including most recently at the Moscow theater in Russia as well, but to create as much havoc and damage against American targets as possible.

But the attacks will also be intended to affect the American psyche. To make us feel unsafe within our own country. If we feel that we cannot attend scheduled events, go to the market for our family’s necessities, or to hold safe and secure elections, then our very existence as a Constitutional Republic falls into doubt.

After all, that’s what terrorism is all about, terrorizing people. Forcing us to change our habits, or daily routines, our very lifestyle out of fear. They want Americans to be afraid to venture out of our homes.  

America’s leadership and prestige in the world has also come under attack. Under our current political leadership the United States no longer generates any fear from our enemies, nor the respect of our allies. We have become adrift, lacking any real influence over world events anymore. Whether intentional or not, America is no longer looked to for leadership and guidance on the world stage. Nobody really cares what America has to say.


One could certainly argue that there has indeed been a “fundamental transformation” of America underway, which started in 2009 but has kicked into high gear after Joe Biden was installed as president following the 2020 elections. That has been the intent, to remove the United States from its’ position as the world’s only superpower.

A “new world order” indeed, and one with America taking a back seat to world events. That effort has certainly involved our enemies like China, Russia and Iran, but has involved many from within our own country as well.

How will America respond once our country is attacked? Will we go on the offensive once again as we did following the Al Qaeda attacks against the World Trade Center and the Pentagon back in 2011, taking the war on terror to our enemies? Or will we withdraw, as Barack Obama unceremoniously did from Iraq, which led to the creation (and the atrocities) of ISIS? Which in and of itself was an act of surrender by Barack Obama.

My suggestion to Americans is to keep your heads on a swivel. Our enemies who have been welcomed into this country by the Biden Administration across our southern border will likely form alliances of convenience with each other. Venezuelan prisons are being emptied out sending their worst of the worst to our country. Mexican drug cartel activities along with other criminal elements, and likely Jihadists from other third world countries are all involved. Their common enemies are the citizens of America. Don’t at all doubt that they will cooperate with each other as a matter of convenience if it furthers their efforts to attack the United States. As the old saying goes, “the enemy of my enemy is my friend.”


The bottom line is that the failures of the Biden Administration are more than a matter of sheer incompetence. I fully believe there is an underlying plan in place to severely weaken the United States so that we no longer have any real influence over future world events. An America in decline certainly is the goal, and terrorist attacks within our borders will go a long way towards achieving that.

America is indeed being set up for another 9/11, only this time the potential damage is much worse.

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