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The Iranian Solution

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AP Photo/Vahid Salemi

First of all let me say up front, there is no ‘diplomatic solution’ when dealing with the Islamic Republic of Iran. No agreement or treaty with Iran is worth the paper it’s written on.  Iran feels no obligation to abide by any agreement with the United States, and will never honor anything that goes against their ultimate goal, which is to drive the United States out of the Middle East and replace America as the preeminent power in that important part of the world.


Iran hopes to eventually destroy the U.S., who Iran affectionately refers to as “the Great Satan,” and to also destroy Israel, “the Little Satan.” The goal they have repeatedly expressed now for decades with chants of “Death to America” a regular part of Iranian government-sponsored protests.

Successive American administrations since Jimmy Carter have never grasped the reality of what we are dealing with regarding Iran. They have always sought to come to some sort of diplomatic or sanctions-related solution when confronting Iran. And they have repeatedly failed to accomplish anything, other than to buy Iran more time to pursue nuclear weapons.

Which Iran will use to threaten Israel and their Arab neighbors, and even perhaps provide to terrorist proxies to secretly deploy into Israel, or even the United States. Always careful to leave Iran’s own fingerprints off. This is a real threat posed by Iran if they are able to develop a viable, and deployable nuclear device. They will have no hesitation to use a nuke to destroy an Israeli or American city if given the opportunity.

The Islamic Republic of Iran is not interested in any diplomatic accommodation with the United States. And they could care less about any sanctions, which primarily affects only the Iranian people. Unfortunately, all of the “best and brightest” in our State Department and every presidential administration continues to try to pursue diplomacy, when there is no diplomatic solution.

Iran is a cancer in the community of nations. The only thing Iran understands, respects, and responds positively to is strength and military might. Until this cancer is cut out and destroyed there will never be peace in the Middle East, and international terrorism will continue unabated.  There is only one solution. The Iranian regime must be destroyed, and the people of Iran freed from the theocratic oppression they have lived under since 1979.


A few days after the terrorist attacks on 9/11/01 then President George W. Bush stood on a pile of rubble in New York City and told us that “we were involved in a war unlike any other we’ve ever fought, that it would be fought in many places, and that it would last a long time.” He was one hundred percent correct.

We did not want a ‘War on Terror,’ it was thrust upon us. And while our commitment to fight terrorism has vacillated after all the years we fought in Iraq and Afghanistan, our enemy’s commitment has never wavered.

I have long disagreed with how both the war in Iraq and Afghanistan were prosecuted by our military. I argued way back then that we should have selected the least detestable Iraqi and Afghan, installed them into office with the warning that if they did much of anything to tick us off that we would return and remove them from office, destroy them and their entire family, erase the family name from all tribal records, and then replace them with another. Giving that individual the same warning as we depart.

The Islamic Republic of Iran has been at war with the United States since 1979. Their commitment is generational. As is that of Al Qaeda, ISIS, HAMAS, and all the other extremist groups out there who hate everything our country stands for.

As much as we are tired of war, and our military is being worn down and can’t meet recruitment goals anyway (primarily because of all of the emphasis on ‘woke-ness’ and poor leadership), we have no choice but to continue leading the world in the fight against extremism.


I’m not advocating for a war with Iran, but we better be prepared for it. Whatever we do in response to this recent attack will be met by Iran with more escalation. They laugh at our current government, they view Americans as a weak and decadent people, and they recognize our lack of commitment. But they ARE uncommitted.

We need to quit telling Iran that “we don’t want war,” they need to be sent the unmistakable message that we are prepared to do whatever it takes, including war and the removal of the Iranian regime if we deem that as the appropriate response.

The world will be a better place once the fanatical Iranian regime is nothing but a footnote in the history books.

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