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Immigration Is A Privilege, Not A Right

The opinions expressed by columnists are their own and do not necessarily represent the views of
AP Photo/Eric Gay

Our immigration system is broken; you hear it being said all the time by politicians and media types, but what they never say is how or why. Their only response to anything related to immigration is “We need comprehensive reform,” which always includes “a pathway to citizenship,” which is code for voting. We see it. But the truth of the matter is that the system isn’t broken; the people running it are. 


If you had a brand new car, opened the hood, and started pulling wires or loosening bolts, it would not work very well, would it? If you have an entire immigration system in place, then, over years, start ignoring parts of it while randomly changing other parts. How well do you think it will function?

That’s what these people have done to the immigration system. They whine is “broken.” You broke it, you jerks. It doesn’t need “fixing” by creating something new or wiping the slate clean, it needs to be allowed to function. They don’t let it. They won’t let it.

Putting that aside, there is one question that needs to be asked of anyone looking to enter our country, either to visit or wanting to live here with the possibility of becoming a citizen: What do we get out of it?

That’s all that matters. If you bring nothing to the table, you don’t get in. Period. 

That brings us to the case of Mahmoud Khalil. 

We let him into the country to attend school, and he married an American. That’s still not a free pass to be here; he only has a green card. 

What does he bring to the table, exactly? 

He apparently graduated 6 months ago but had time to lead pro-terrorist, anti-Semitic, and anti-American protests at the school he used to attend. Columbia is very, very expensive; how can he afford not to work? They keep repeating how he’s “got a pregnant wife at home,” shouldn’t he be working? How about simply being at home, since his wife is 8 months pregnant and he’s just a simple family man, right?


The guy has more lawyers than some towns, each more expensive than the last, but he’s just an innocent guy who never did anything to nobody or something.

There are a lot of unanswered questions about what makes this guy so special: to somehow have mobilized the left in a way they haven’t been able to muster in years. Where does his money come from? Maybe he’s rich, maybe he married rich. Perhaps he has patrons? Perhaps it’s the left-wing industrial complex that launders USAID money to anti-American activities around the globe?

All I know is my question of “What do we get out of it?” doesn’t seem to have an involved answer. 

It’s not like we need another anti-Semite; we have the Democratic Party, after all. We don’t need more anti-Americans; like I said, we already have Democrats. Do we need more people with graduate degrees in “public administration”? Don’t we produce enough of those from people born here with a lifelong understanding of our government and how it works? Do we need someone from Syria to do it?

We don’t, we’re all full.

We have all the native-born BLM/ANTIFA members; we don’t need more ungrateful, privileged 30-year-olds with nothing better to do than incite people. We’re lousy and overloaded with them.

The message should be sent that people can’t come to this country and disrupt it; inspiring violence or hatred is not going to get you welcome here; it will get you invited to leave. No other country would accept it; why should we?

Foreigners are afforded rights when they enter this country, but they are not citizens. People on vacation, in school, or married on green cards are here at our pleasure, not theirs. Break the law, and you’re out. Be particularly annoying, and you’re out. Or should be.


When I was 15, I took driver’s ed. Throughout the 6 weeks, or whatever it was, the instructors drilled into our heads that “driving is a privilege, not a right,” and the state could strip us of it at any point, should we screw up and get too many tickets or whatever. Why should guests in our country not be treated the same way when it comes to being in the country? It’s a privilege, not a right, no matter the conditions you are here or for how long.

Derek Hunter is the host of a free daily podcast (subscribe!) and author of the book, Outrage, INC., which exposes how liberals use fear and hatred to manipulate the masses, and host of the weekly “Week in F*cking Review” podcast where the news is spoken about the way it deserves to be. Follow him on Twitter at @DerekAHunter.

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