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The Enemy of My Enemy Is RFK

The opinions expressed by columnists are their own and do not necessarily represent the views of
AP Photo/Ross D. Franklin

Remember when Anthony "I Am the Science" Fauci showed up for congressional hearings wearing two masks, knowing full well that masks didn't prevent the transmission of COVID?

With great leadership like that, for two years, most of the country dutifully (or by legal sanction) walked around masked all the time -- indoors, outdoors, on playgrounds, beaches and bikes. Day care centers tortured infants by forcing them into the completely useless masks; fist fights broke out on airplanes because the government was requiring flight attendants to make everyone over the age of 2 wear a mask; and public school teachers sadistically taped masks to kids' faces.

To this day, you still sometimes see the 6-foot markers on floors at airports, post offices and government buildings, mementos of the made-up distancing rule that "just sort of appeared," according to Fauci. They're like phrenology skulls or Aztec human sacrifice temples -- artifacts of an odd and discredited belief system.

In the face of 100 years of scientific knowledge, "I Am the Science" Fauci stubbornly denied the existence of natural immunity. Although studies consistently showed that prior COVID infection provided better protection than the vaccine -- something even the E.U. recognized -- our public health mandarins remained studiously ignorant of the science. (Not to be confused with "The Science," which apparently is a small, egotistical Italian man with a godawful Brooklyn accent.)

Nearly alone in the world, our government's medical "experts" recommended repeated vaccine shots for healthy young people, age 5 and up, despite their facing near-zero risk from COVID, but serious risks from the vaccine, such as anaphylaxis, myocarditis, pericarditis and/or early death. Ask your doctor if the COVID vaccine is right for you!

Fauci and Francis Collins, then head of the National Institutes of Health (NIH), were so devoted to the scientific method that they conspired to manufacture a "quick and devastating published takedown" of scientists who dissented from their demand that the entire country be shut down -- specifically, the authors of the Great Barrington Declaration, which argued against universal shutdowns, advocating instead for focused protection for the elderly, i.e., the only people at risk of death from COVID.

Obviously -- thank you Sweden and Florida -- the dissenters were 100% correct, while Fauci, Collins and the rest of our health bureaucracy were 100% wrong. But at the time, the declaration's principal authors, from Harvard, Stanford and Oxford, were smeared by Collins as "fringe epidemiologists" and blacklisted from social media with the connivance of the federal government.

It isn't just that these "public health" experts failed spectacularly and never apologized. They're still bragging about ruining millions of lives for no reason. Fauci was paid nearly $5 million for his memoir about his "journey in public service." Collins delivered his letter of resignation in the form of a whimsical ditty, sung by himself, accompanied by himself on acoustic guitar. The guy is nuttier than Lizzo's personal trainer.

Our constitutionally protected watchdog media lavishly praised these bozos while ginning up nonstop COVID hysteria.

In addition to The New York Times' lachrymose "Those We've Lost" series, producing obituaries for every COVID death (average age of the dead: 120), the paper told an alarmist story about a "26-year-old physician" who died of COVID in a New York City hospital early in the pandemic. His death was somberly reported in the magazine section by Times contributor Dr. Helen Ouyang.

In response to repeated requests from an alert reader for evidence that such a death had occurred, the editors indignantly claimed that Ouyang had spoken "with the man's attending physician," and the death was "confirmed by fact-checkers." Executive Editor Dean Baquet snapped at the persistent skeptic: "Enough. ... [W]e have answered and we are done."

Then it turned out that, of course, the doctor who died of COVID was made up. After The Washington Post's Erik Wemple got on the case, the Times admitted as much in an "Editor's Note." Baquet owned up to an "error."

But even the "Trust the Science!" Times expressed outrage when it discovered the CDC had been hiding data that proved booster shots did absolutely nothing for adults between the ages of 18 and 49. Nothing, that is, other than put them at risk of death and other side effects.

Outside physicians, who'd been begging for this data, "were stunned to hear that information exists." But CDC spokeswoman Kristen Nordlund explained they'd withheld the data because it "might be misinterpreted as the vaccines being ineffective."

Although nothing can compare to the Chinese water torture brought to us by the COVID autocrats, let's not forget that, to this day, all major medical associations support the Mengele-like poisoning and mutilating of adolescents who think they're the opposite gender. This includes the American Medical Association and the American Academy of Pediatrics.

This will be at least the second medical catastrophe foisted on the country by the pediatric academy. These same geniuses single-handedly created the peanut allergy epidemic. Based on pure speculation -- not research or studies -- in 2000, the academy began recommending that children under 3 not consume peanut products in order to reduce the possibility of their developing a peanut allergy.

They had the cause exactly backwards. Studies -- yes, eventually, actual studies were performed -- later showed that infants exposed to peanuts before age 3 are 86% less likely to develop a peanut allergy than those denied peanut products. But because a few pediatricians had a hunch, the number of kids ending up in the emergency room due to peanut allergies tripled from 2005 to 2014. By now, about 1 in 18 American children have peanut allergies.

I haven't even mentioned the opioid epidemic, brought to us by Big Pharma. Oh well, at least they learned their lesson.

Except they didn't. Not at all. A recent Times article reports that, in 2022, nearly 80 million Americans were taking prescription stimulants. That was a mere aside in a story about a study that found a five-fold increase in psychosis among those taking high doses of Adderall and other stimulants. (If that makes you worried, there's something you can take for it.)

As our mind-boggling rates of obesity and diabetes attest, there's no question but that Americans are consuming vastly too much sugar and overprocessed food. What's the medical establishment's answer? Put fat kids on a weekly nausea-causing injection for life that costs a thousand bucks a month.

The whole lot of them -- the public health bureaucrats, the phony scientists sucking up grant money, the pharmaceutical and food industries -- must be punished, and RFK is the man to do it.

Real scientists like Jay Bhattacharya and Martin Kulldorff (the Great Barrington Declaration guys) should be brought in to run the CDC, NIH, FDA and so on. But at the top, overseeing the whole public health apparatus as head of Health and Human Services, we need someone whose overall approach is driven by utter contempt for the arrogant "health" bureaucrats who've done so much damage to our country.

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