Harvard and other wayward universities cannot educate themselves out of their antisemitism woes.
I remember long ago a case of a Klansman who was found guilty of racist activity in the U.S. south. As part of his sentence, he was ordered to attend a course on blacks in America. The idea was that he should know how much African-Americans had contributed to the success of the United States. His answer was approximately, “Your honor, I will take the course as part of my punishment, but my view of black people will not change.”
Since at least the 1970s, liberals have believed that they could educate Americans into becoming better human beings. Former Harvard president Claudine Gay made an extraordinary comment during her self-destructive testimony in front of Congress. When asked how Harvard would respond to a Vesuvius-level explosion of antisemitic activity on campus, she calmly said that they would educate students on antisemitism. Education as the answer! It has been the go-to shibboleth for the left that was supposed to solve many social ills including racism. But there is a problem with this approach, and the Klansman showed exactly what the problem is. People are like Archie Bunker: they are stubborn in their views and all the facts in the world will not change them.
Oftentimes one can learn a lot about a subject by looking at its opposite. There have been long periods in history during which Jews and Muslims got along very well. We have a tradition of several Jewish scholars and doctors who served the local Muslim leaders of their day, and there was respect and admiration in both directions. One does not even have to go back that far. About a year ago, we spent a week in Dubai. As I have previously written, we were treated with respect and friendship. We at no time felt threatened, belittled or hated for being in the UAE. Why can a Jew go to the UAE and have an amazing time while if he were to stumble into certain parts of Hebron or Jenin he would be coming out in a body bag? The issue has to do with Islam, its interpretations, practice and worldview as understood by Muslims themselves. Clearly, there are streams in Islam that can get along with Jews as well as Christians. But one must also recognize, if he wishes to be intellectually honest, that there are brands of Islam that see Jews, Christians, and the West as lesser entities and worthy of either destruction or conquest. Did anyone at Harvard notice that the UAE recently banned CAIR and another Muslim umbrella group from the U.S.? They can identify any branch of the Muslim Brotherhood and know that they are a threat to the stability of their country.
Getting back to Harvard. We learned last week that our alumni lawsuit was thrown out by a federal judge in Boston. We knew that our argument, namely that Harvard’s self-inflicted destruction of its name and reputation would harm its alumni, was a longshot. Still, our job was to do what we could do to save Harvard, partially out of affection for our alma mater and partly in the realization that the way Harvard goes, so goes U.S. higher education. The president of Harvard has set aside funding for dialogue on campus. The idea is to bring different groups or peoples holding opposing worldviews together to talk. While the initiative sounds swell, the problem is that it avoids the real problem on campus. Who on the Muslim side would join in at a Harvard Law School luncheon forum on “Building Understanding Between the Jewish and Muslim Communities”? Well, it might be a third-year law student from Abu Dhabi or an undergraduate from Bahrain. Who it will not be is the guy covering his face with a keffiyeh and demanding an “intifada revolution” against Jews and Israel, unless he comes to disrupt it. Those whose hatred of Israel is ideological and/or text-based will not be swayed by any Nobel laureate speakers or reams of data and information. The ones demanding an end to Israel, the ones who rejoiced in the rape and murder of Israeli women, the ones who thought it cool that the Bibas wife and children came back dead do not need a course on how much Jews have contributed to Harvard and mankind. Their hatred is visceral and no “education” or meeting of the minds will change anything.
Take a look at Mosab Hassan Yousef. He grew up in a Hamas home. He helped Israel during the second intifada and saved many lives. He moved to the U.S. and became a Christian. While he has always fought against Islamic tyranny, since the October 7th massacre, he has been everywhere: Piers Morgan's show, Dr. Phil's program, Oxford Union, and more. Why has he been so visible? In part, because of his passion to save the West from the future destruction that they are bringing upon themselves via Muslim immigrants who do not integrate. But part of his being so visible is that he is virtually alone. Yes, there are brave Israeli Arabs like Yoseph Haddad who fight for the truth about Israel and Hamas. But the fact is that Yousef is nearly alone in going from being in the Islamist fold to becoming its enemy. Those who hate do so for personal or religious reasons. Nothing Harvard can do will change these people. Sure, the “moderate” folks will have a lovely luncheon at the law school. But the ones spitting on Jewish students or holding Hezbollah flags will not be moved by the milquetoast efforts of Harvard’s new president. What is needed are expulsions and very public punishments for those who threaten fellow students or make their lives unpleasant. Harvard hides behind the First Amendment, like any good coward. Harvard itself has rules about speech, and they include not hurting the feelings of others or creating a potentially dangerous environment on campus. Because the target of hate is Jews, it’s kosher in Harvard Yard. Vocally threaten an intifada against illegal aliens or trans sports cheaters and you’ll be taking the subway out of Harvard Square back to the airport and home.
Back in the day, there was an article in the Harvard Crimson about students complaining that Harvard was one of the few schools that still had first semester final exams after winter vacation. Can’t we also go skiing instead of poring over textbooks was the argument for making change. Dean Archie Epps answered as follows: “You are here for four years. We are here for our professional lives. Harvard is here forever!” And it is true that at some point the Gaza war will end. And later, the last of the “intifada revolution” banner holders will graduate. But Harvard will be a different school. Jews will look elsewhere for a safer environment, and Harvard will have institutionalized attacking Jews and Israelis by not meting out punishments when needed. Great leaders came out of Harvard. Today, it is run by well-compensated cowards.
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